Chapter Three- An Eye Opener

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In the Land of Departure, Analia awoke with tired eyes, which was unnatural for her. Usually Analia woke with energy, but today, she didn't. Still, she wasn't too tired for the day, which meant she could still train to go beyond the stars. The lilac haired girl moved to sit up, doing so slowly and draping an arm over her knees. Her attention turned to her balcony doors after a moment, the girl humming with curiosity.

Analia carefully moved to get up off her bed, looking back at it afterwards. The thing that caught her attention first when she did was her cloud plush. She looked at it for a moment or two before turning around and picking it up slowly. She never truly understood that obsession with clouds, even to this day. Regardless of that, she smiled at the cloud plush before placing it down and continuing to her original destination.

The lilac haired girl moved for the doors for her balcony, moving to grab the curtains. She moved to slide them open slowly, the sun reflecting on the stained glass of her doors seemingly not effecting her. The girl only hummed, moving to open her balcony doors, walking slowly over to her balcony rail. When she made it over, the purple haired girl leaned over it, like she had done before, but, this time, she closed her eyes. She hummed to herself softly, seemingly traversing through her thoughts.

Again, knowing there were other worlds out there only made her want to find her destiny stronger. Knowing there were other worlds also made her belief she had her own destiny stronger. She wanted to believe she wasn't just here to burden everyone. She wanted to be able to defend her home and the worlds beyond. She wanted to show she was just as strong as everyone else in The Land of Departure.

Analia opened her eyes when she exited her thoughts, moving away from her balcony. She walked around the balcony for a moment or two before moving over to a pot full of flowers on one of the ends, picking it up and holding it up to the sun's light. She wondered if she could grow like a flower did, if her strength could bloom. Maybe it just took time, just like a flower. Maybe she just needed to wait until she really needed her strength, then her Keyblade would appear.

"Waiting might just be good enough..." Analia muttered as she put the pot of flowers back where it originally was before heading back over to the doors leading back into her room, stepping back through them. "It'll come to me someday." She smiled to herself upon saying those words.

Analia then turned back to her balcony doors, grabbing the curtains and sliding them closed quickly. When the sun was blocked from her room, Analia hummed, sounding a bit conflicted. That didn't last however because the girl simply walked back over to her bed and sat on the edge of it, grabbing her cloud plush. She held it close, humming a soft tune to herself as she rocked just a bit. While she still had her doubts about waiting, she figured it was the only thing she could do.

"Kinda weird for you to still be in your room around this time." Said a voice, sounding like it was nearby her doorway.

Analia turned her attention to her doorway, seeing another girl with short pink hair fading yellow, gold if you will, standing there. The girl's pink hair reached to her shoulders and a bit more past them, said pink hair holding a yellow streak while her bangs were swept to the right and she had a small bun like ponytail holding her hair up, her eyes were dullish purple blue. Atop her head was a yellow headband with a fern green circle in the center, a jewel like flower symbol in the middle which was black, the headband holding three fern colored gems in the center and on both sides. In both her ears were black cross like earrings and the girl was wearing a shirt which had a ruby red collar that reached all the way up her neck and had long sleeves that were rolled to reveal white ends beneath the ends of the sleeves themselves. The chest to stomach area of her shirt was a hot pink color and the girl was wearing a pair of fire orange fishnets on both her arms above pine green fingerless gloves that reached to her forearms, along with the fishnets. The girl had a ruby red cape which was tied to her neck by the hood of the cape, her cape reaching a bit past her knees, the cape torn in a few places. Around the girl's waist was a shaded pink belt which was locked with a golden loop, two camo hot pink triangular flaps on both the left and right side under the belt. Under that was a pair of tawny brown shorts which had black fabric tied at the legs, the girl wearing black stockings that looked like little cats, the girl was, lastly, wearing tangerine colored boots that had coral slits on the sides and in the front, the soles of the boots also being coral as they were also heeled boots.

"Liviana." Analia said when she saw the pink haired girl, greeting her.

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