Chapter Seven- Stars Cry

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Some time after Tessa's departure, Ventus was lying in his room, staring up at his ceiling as silence surrounded him. He blinked his eyes slowly, knowing he had to get to sleep soon. But even though he knew, he couldn't do so. Which was odd because he knew if he didn't, he would hear Umbra's constant nagging about sleep being good for the mind and the body, he always heard it when he and Analia stayed up late. And aside from the fact it was getting old, not even that thought made him want to sleep.

Thoughts kept spinning and twirling around the blonde's mind, occasionally leaving. The day after this night was The Mark of Mastery Exam. Tomorrow. Of course, he wouldn't be taking it and neither would Analia, Liviana or Kit. He knew the reason for Analia's disclusion. It wasn't necessarily because of her age but more rather her inability to summon her Keyblade. Liviana's was something he didn't know. And...Kit's...Master Eraqus wouldn't say. Something Ventus found eerie to say the least. The friends that would be taking it would be Aqua, Terra, Umbra...and Ori.

Ori was a strange case given he hadn't been training with them long. In fact, Ventus thought his appearance was super sudden. Plus, he didn't seem to have very much experience with a Keyblade when he first showed up. He had other means for combat though. Unfortunately, Ventus never figured out how it worked. Not yet at least.

Master. Or more precisely Keyblade Master, was a title given to warriors deemed worthy of a Keyblade. At least, that's what Analia had told Ventus. Ventus remembered watching her eyes sparkle upon those two little words. That title meant alot to her. Which made sense to Ventus. Analia wanted to be a Keyblade Master like her father...and her mother. That was something he could respect.

The boy, Ventus, sat up on his bed and let out a big sigh. He and his friends devoted their days to training in hopes of becoming Keyblade Masters. That was a dream that they all had. Ventus himself wasn't upset that his older friends were taking the test before he could. Not like Analia. Getting that title meant alot to her. Neither of those were the reason the blonde was stirred up though.

He was anxious. Unfortunately, he had no idea why. He knew that neither Terra and Aqua, nor Umbra and Ori would fail the exam, there was no way. He couldn't deny he was worried though. He was worried, tomorrow was a big deal for the four.

It was then that something bright shone outside of Ventus' window, snapping him out of his thoughts. Ventus pressed his face against the glass window, peering into the sky to see if he could get a nice view from his window. That's when he saw what was making that light. Star after star was falling through the heavens, right into Ventus' view.

"A meteor shower!" He exclaimed.

As it stood, the window view wasn't enough. Ventus wanted to get a closer view, a better look. The blonde rushed out of his room and down the stairs as fast as he could. He definitely didn't want to miss the shower. The blonde continued moving through the castle until he made it to two doors, opening them rather hastily and heading outside, down the stairs and into the Forecourt, turning his attention toward the sky.


She could have sworn she heard a sound. She was sure of it. The lilac haired girl walked slowly through the castle, humming softly to herself. The sound she heard she assumed was someone from this castle, due to the fact she believed that was the only possibility. She also assumed they were outside now.

She was wearing a taffy pink bow in her hair, as it was braided, lime green pajamas with golden glitter stars patterned on them with lime green kitty slippers that flopped as she moved.

Analia eventually stumbled upon the doors to the outside of the castle, moving a hand to push open one of them, doing so slowly. When she did that she of course saw the Forecourt outside of the castle but she also saw a blonde standing near the bottom of the steps. When she saw him, a small smile made its way to her expression. Something must have caught his attention. Something usually did with Ventus. He was a very curious boy.

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