Chapter Five- Annabelle's Lesson/Beneath The Shadows

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After talking with Ori, Analia, around midnight, had finished her training for the day and was ready to head back to Ventus' room. If she was to be honest, she was tired because training sessions always wore her out but she couldn't just leave the task she was given undone. Instead of heading to her own room, Analia hummed softly to herself as she walked down the hall to Ventus' room with a smile.

For a boy who didn't remember anything he seemed to be a great guy. Not only that but he seemed like a sweet one too. She giggled to herself before she had stopped at his room placing her hand on the handle. Well, she obviously wasn't scared of him but something was stopping her. She looked around the area before taking a deep breath and opening the door.

"Ventus?" She called as she looked for him in the room. The blonde boy then turned to see her, his hazy eyes staring straight at her.

He wore a jacket that was white on the right side and black on the left side, the collar of the jacket is red and pleated, underneath this, there is a grey vest with a single button and several white, angular patterns on it, under this, in the form of a plain, high-necked, black shirt, he also has a chunk of dull green and blue armor on his midsection that appears to be under his vest, and another piece of armor on his left shoulder.

Well, now that she had been focusing on his clothes and not his seemingly broken eyes, she noticed how strange they were. Well, that wasn't a bad thing if anything, she should be used to 'strange' considering Aqua's choice of outfit. His outfit technically wasn't strange, it was special. Just like him. It was his very own style.

When the blonde blinked at her she couldn't help but smile. She walked over to the bed and sat down, gesturing for him to join her.

"Come on, sit down." She said in a sweet voice as she patted the spot on the bed beside her. Ventus tilted his head before nodding and slowly sitting down. She smiled before turning her body to the window, moving over to it and placing her hands on the glass. "Look out there, do you see all that?" She asked him before she pointed out to the distance. "There's the path we like to train at. There are a whole bunch of targets over there." She gasped. "Oh! Look!" She pointed out further. "There's the Summit. You can see a lot from up there. Hanging out there is fun in itself."

"...Analia." The boy said her name. She looked at him with a hum, a smile still on her face as she tilted her head. If she was being honest, the blonde was catching her interest. "Can you see stars from there?" He asked her.

"Huh?" Analia had asked him as she shifted positions to place her hands on her knees.

"Can...can you see stars from there?" Ventus had repeated, tilting his head at her.

Analia took a minute to process the question the second time he repeated it before nodding. "Yeah. You can." She answered before gasping as she looked over at the doorway. "Oh! I should probably show you the library, I spend most of my time there usually." She had said as she went to stand, holding her hand out to Ventus. "So, shall we?" She asked him.

The boy didn't understand her gesture but took her hand and nodded. Analia giggled, taking the boy with her out of the room.


Ori was swinging a staff around rather aggressively in the throne room, Liviana watching him while she was sitting in the middle throne of the room. She found his form a bit tense, as if he had some anger he needed to let out. The staff made a whooshing sound as it cut through the air, creating a breeze that stirred the dust on the floor. All the while, Ori's expression stayed unchanging, the boy's expression a mix of a blank and cold stare. Liviana sat there, wondering if something was bothering the bluenette, her tilting slowly with that wonder.

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