Chapter 10 - Broken Faith

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"How... How could you do this to me, Maria..." he said a little while later, having gained the courage to speak, his body overwhelmed by sorrow and wrath.

"I am so sorry, Kevin," she wept, dropping to the ground out of the sheer weakness that she felt at the moment. "I will never be able to show myself in front of you again."

"You cheated on me..." he whispered solemnly amidst the tears, leaving her in an even more stunned state than before.

She blinked twice in confusion. "Wait, what have I done now?"

"You cheated on me!" he screamed, waving the letter in her face. "And here's the proof!"

Not being able to contain her shock, she snatched the letter unthinkingly. She read it in uninterrupted horror, awed at how well Patrick twisted the meaning of her actions. It really did sound like something she'd do. The terrifying fact that she had to face was that telling her husband the truth would be even worse. However, even if she did, she wasn't sure if he'd believe her. She'd become very untrustworthy from his perspective, and not without reason.

He snorted. "So, what do you have to say for yourself now?"

She then proceeded to choke on thin air.

"You can't even talk to me properly," he said, shaking his head. "This says something about our marriage."

"Please don't leave me..." she said, clasping her hands, and, at that very moment, their children began to cry in the distance.

"I can't," he stammered, obviously affected by the sound.

"What does that mean?!" she hollered, grabbing the collar of his white shirt. "Does that mean that you'd leave me if we didn't have children?!"

"I didn't mean it like that," he explained. "Our children are only one of the reasons why I can't leave you."

"What is your problem with me?!" she yelled, now grabbing the collar so tightly that she dug her nails into his neck, leaving slight red traces on his skin. "Why don't you love me?!"

He let out a heavy sigh. "I love you... I have always loved you, but... I feel like you don't love me back, and I hope you can see why."

She let out a heavy sigh as well. "Now's not the time yet, but... Someday, you'll realise just how much I love you."

"Yes, let's hope that I will," he deadpanned.

"No, I'm serious," she said, throwing her hands in the air. "I love you! I love you, but I have a difficult time showing it sometimes if you understand what I'm saying."

He glared at her. "Oh. I didn't realise that those words are such a cheap commodity to you."

"You could never understand what goes on in my head," she said darkly.

He perked up. "That's it! I haven't had the words to properly express it, but that's precisely the problem. I've been married to you for almost twenty years now, but it looks like we've become strangers. You never tell me anything. You don't interact with me very often. I don't even know who you are anymore. This is why the letter didn't surprise me very much."

"If only you knew who sent it..." she said to herself, but from his face, it was evident that he heard it too.

"It's not like I'll ever meet him, now is it?" he said contemptibly.

She swallowed. "Um, let's change the topic... The children are crying, and we must tend to them."

He shrugged limply. "Your children, your problem."

"Have you ever thought of divorcing me?" she said, scratching her neck as paranoia consumed her whole.

He flinched. "Many times, of course... Why'd you ask? However, I believe people deserve second chances, so..."

A Tale Of Shadows (Wattys 2023) - REPLACED BY DIVINE ASCENSIONWhere stories live. Discover now