Chapter 16 - The Last Conquest

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Because of Melinda's evil plan, June of 1873 began with blood. Eade was in despair - the living had to run over the bodies of the dead a lot, the soldiers from the Obscurian army were to be seen everywhere, and George and Hilde in particular had no clue how all of this was going to end. They observed the majority of the events from the palace towers, rarely having the courage to come outside, immensely glad that Melinda wasn't too eager to see them. They pondered the whole situation a lot, especially during the night.

On the night of the 15th of June, the night before Melinda's sixty-third birthday, Hilde sat on the edge of the bed beside George, as usual, both of them noticeably sadder this time. Melinda had seized the capital of the country, which meant that her victory was almost there, and from there on, she would conquer both worlds, leaving no hope in her wake. They didn't know how that was going to be avoided, nor did they know how they were going to continue living their lives. It seemed that they didn't know anything anymore.

Hilde let out a deep sigh. "George... There is an announcement that I have got to make."

George shivered with his entire body. "An announcement?! What could it be?"

She bent her head towards the floor. "My beloved... I do not wish to continue this marriage."

"What?!" he shrieked, grabbing her head with both hands. "What nonsense do you utter?!"

She began to sob. "It is not nonsense in any meaning of the word. I do love you with all of my heart, but sometimes I feel that our lives would have been much better had we not officiated our relationship. You told Mrs Bellerose that you would marry her because you needed that political advantage and also because, although you have never loved her, you were going to be so merry with having a beautiful and charming and overall exceptional woman by your side. You told me that, when she gave you her love, it was love beyond any that you ever could have imagined in your wildest dreams.

What do I have to offer? I have no clue as to why you still love me. Had Melinda remained kind, I am certain that you would have regretted the choice you have made. She was so inspiring and special, and she still is the latter. Surprisingly, there is still some charm to her. Sure, I am nice and altruistic, but what of it? I do not possess anything that makes me stand out among the crowd. I know nothing of politics, and I am not going to give you any advantage in that field. I have only made you lie and cheat on a woman who we never could have guessed had ill intentions all along.

In a way, it is kind of convenient that she turned out to be malicious. Had that not happened, you would have tricked a benevolent woman, George! I would have been furious as well! Most people may not agree with her views on vengeance, but I can see why she is doing what she is doing to us right now. Now that you hopefully understand how I am feeling about all of this, you really should consider marrying her. There is no obvious way that she can lose, which means that if you do not consent to her terms, our nation might not exist anymore. And it all began because you were insecure about your feelings! It is a shame that there are not that many options, but I suppose that we should stop thinking about it and just go to bed. Tomorrow is another day."

He began to sob as well. "The world has gone insane, and you have gone insane with it! I love you, and for that love, I would do anything that is required of me. We do not rule our nation as well as we could, but that does not mean we should fall into despair. You have started to think too much lately, think so much that your views on reality have become distorted. I love you, of course I love you, for how could I not?! Perhaps you are not the most special person in the world, but you are sweet and kind and thoughtful and also the mother of our only child. I would not wish to marry the Empress under any circumstances, just like I would never wish our children to marry either, even though Griselda has proven herself to be kind. I will never allow her to influence my life or my love, do you understand?!"

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