Chapter 2 - The Royal Court

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Melinda did nothing much in the first few days that came after the wedding. She allowed herself to loosen up for a while and entertain herself by going to the royal court, this genuinely being the best possible introduction to life in the palace. There were so many lovely things to do, and it lifted her spirits in a rather noticeable way, causing her to smile and laugh and just be joyful more often in general. 

Douglas saw it too, and not only because he loved to look at her. This warmed his heart a lot, and on a random morning, he sat beside her on the bed, wearing a smile on his face that was somehow brighter than hers if that was even possible, relishing the golden, lively glow of a new day.

"Good morning to you, my beloved wife," he said, taking her hand. "This all feels like a dream, having you by my side to carry my soul to heaven. Given all your recent distress, I hardly could have expected you to express such mirth, but I am happier for you than for myself. There is so much life in your eyes every time I glance at you, making them look so splendid, a most honest reflection of your beautiful soul.

Another day has come now, another opportunity to indulge heavily in the wonders of life. We shall get ready soon, and then we shall have breakfast, after which I will have the whole day to enjoy my love. I never tire of the castle grounds, and I never will. There is so much beyond them, but even they make me content. Are you not content, my dear?"

"Yes, of course," she replied, dying of laughter because of how eager he was to express his happiness.

He sighed dreamily. "I knew you would be content. Your incredible spirit finds contentment easily. You may not love me now, but you will someday. I will try my best to be a man you can love, and I am certain that you will at least try to love me deeply, for it is in your nature to love with such gentleness and yet with such force that overwhelms the heart so marvellously. However, let us not forget that such complex matters ought not to be discussed so early in the morning. The stomach needs food, and our food is bound to be grand, which is not to be missed."

And so they went to have breakfast at last after much idle conversation. It was unfortunate to have no one there but the servant, although it was to be expected, given that it was merely seven in the morning, which caused the dining halls to be filled with eerie silence, but at least the food was as grand as was promised. 

On the silver platters, an unbelievable amount of it lay - strawberries with whipped cream, leftover velvet cake from the wedding, large piles of white grapes, along with more traditional breakfast foods, such as omelette with cheese, buttered toast, vanilla pudding, and roasted chicken - along with a tall pitcher of tea on the side, representing a modern custom of the people.

Although she could not help but raise an eyebrow at all this needless luxury, she could not refuse it either, eating with a renewed love for the simple deed, which was to be expected in her conditions, taking a few bites of each meal, particularly the roasted chicken because its salty, hot and meaty flavour truly opened her appetite, causing Douglas to let out a slight chuckle at this unusual, yet adorable behaviour of hers, especially after having eaten nothing more than an omelette, a pudding, and a cup of tea.

"Impropriety does not often delight me," he said, still chuckling despite himself. "However, I find that judgment prevents me from achieving amusement. You have not yet expressed much desire to be a lady, but now that your shoulders lay unburdened, it is a pretty sight to observe. You are not completely unrefined, either, but I believe that it is later that you want to prove yourself."

"What?" she said, swallowing a sip of tea. "Have I too much of an appetite to be a fitting Queen, Douglas?"

"It is not your appetite that is the problem," he said, winking at her. "Your behaviour in public is good for the most part, but there are still some parts of it that need polishing. Do you remember our wedding night, when you got very drunk and danced like a madwoman? It sure was a noteworthy event. It is not the only thing either. You could afford to be a little more graceful and elegant, but since less than a week has passed, I am assured that you solely need time."

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