Chapter 2 - Elaine

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Elaine was bored. She was stuck in class with a robotic sounding teacher and a class full of half-asleep students. She watched as the clock in their classroom ticked another second of her miserable predicament. I can't take much more of this. She thought to herself as she adjusted her seating position on her hard, wooden armchair. Elaine's mind was buzzing with ideas, theories, thoughts, and things to do once she was free. Her mind usually never left her alone, even when she wanted it to. She would start thinking of one thought, then suddenly jump to another thought that was equally 'important' in her opinion. She would try to stay as linear and normal as possible if she could help it, but that just wasn't her. Especially recently when she discovered something about herself. Something so amazing that she knew it would be dangerous if anyone knew about it.

She had magic. She could do these wonderful things that seemed to look like something right out of a superhero movie. Elaine had only found out about it on accident when she was hanging around in her backyard some months ago and found an alarmingly large snake. She had panicked and tried shooing it away with her hands. Then that's when it happened. Elaine's hands had slowly gained a purplish glow then a quick and uncontrolled blast of energy shot out of her hands, which flung the snake several houses away from hers. Mixed feelings of shock, amazement, and horror ran through her mind that day. She ended up running to her room, locking it behind her, and staring at her hands for a solid ten minutes before she got a grip on herself.

From that day on, Elaine has slowly learned how to do almost anything she could think of. Apparently magic was very flexible. She could think of anything she wanted to make happen and it would happen. Or most of the things she thought anyway. Some of the things she tried thinking of didn't work or at least didn't have an effect when she tried waving her hands around. Of course, Elaine hadn't told her mom about it. She thought she already had enough things to take care of, so adding 'mysterious powers popping up in your daughter' to the list might finally make her mom break.

Elaine's teacher said something with a noticeable I'm-so-tired-of-teaching voice. Then in response, her classmates brought out and opened their textbooks. Ah her mind went. Homework. She brought out her textbook as well then felt a slight tingling feeling in her hands. Elaine had been having that feeling recently, starting a few days ago. She felt her magic surging through her, pulsing like it was the blood in her veins. Whenever she had that feeling, she knew something crazy and magical was about to happen. The strong feeling of immense power was too much for Elaine to handle. The only thing that would help stop the feeling was if she used her magic a lot. Her current theory was that she had to 'tire out' her magic in order for that strange tingling feeling to go away.

Oh great. Not now of all places. Elaine thought to herself while desperately looking around the classroom for something to enchant or use her magic on. If she didn't use any of her magic, then the sensation would only grow stronger and more intense. Once when she wasn't able to use her magic because her mom and her were out in public buying some groceries, and she couldn't be bothered to do any magic, an entire aisle of canned food exploded out of their shelves. It was a good thing that Elaine or anyone else wasn't standing in that specific aisle. No one was hurt and the store owner was dumbfounded as to what happened which made an entire aisle of heavy canned goods just fly off the shelves, quite literally.

Elaine's eyes locked in on the pile of blackboard erasers on one side of the top of the blackboard. She had no idea why, but her classroom had a surplus of erasers for the blackboard. One of her guesses was that a student stole all of the blackboard erasers from each classroom along the entire hallway of her classroom and stashed them here as a prank. It probably backfired since the next day the erasers were replaced by new ones and no one bothered to look for the missing old ones.

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