Chapter 6 - Elaine

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There was no blood. Not even the faintest sign of the horn ripping through Axle's dad's skin and clothes.

Elaine watched as the man fell to his knees and gasped for air. Axle ran to his father's side and immediately put his hands over him to try to heal him. Elaine also moved closer to them, but still kept a distance since she knew she wouldn't be able to help.

She actually managed to hold her own during those shadow creature attacks. Thanks to Axle's tips, Elaine roughly knew how to use her magic in combat. It thrilled her to know that she quickly learned those skills, and just in time too.

"You're gonna be okay dad." came Axle's worried and broken voice. Despite her little success against the enemies, Elaine didn't feel accomplished. The shadows stopped attacking as soon as the boar-looking one jammed its horn into Axle's dad.

His dad was still conscious, but he looked like he was about to pass out soon. "Axle," he started to say, "You need to hide. Go find help to keep the people safe here." Then his father looked to Elaine.

"Both you and your friend need to go. They might come for you next." Elaine felt her eyes tear up. She only just recently met Axle's father, but she already felt close to him. Maybe even like a father figure. Her own father didn't live long enough to even hear her first words.

Axle hushed his dad, "No dad, we're staying here with you. You need help just as much as we do." Elaine tried offering her help. "Anything I can do to help?" Axle nodded and held out his hand.

"Lend me your magic. We need to heal him. I don't know what that thing did to my dad, but it's obviously hurting him." At this point, Axle's father had fainted already.

Elaine moved close and took one of Axle's hands. He closed his eyes and she followed along. She focused on thoughts of healing, thoughts of putting things back together and tried guiding her magical energy into Axle's dad.

They all sat there in the middle of the street for a long while. Not one person could be seen in sight. It seemed that everyone within a ten block radius had evacuated. Elaine just tried focusing on sending her power to Axle's dad to heal him.

All of their efforts didn't seem to show, however. Neither Axle's nor Elaine's magic seemed to have an effect on the invisible wound on Axle's father. Axle pulled his hands away from his dad and yelled in frustration. Elaine stopped as well and put her hand on Axle's back.

"It's not working! If we can't help him, he won't make it..." He turned around and hugged his knees. "Then I'd be all on my own..."

Elaine heard this and felt pity for him. We gotta get out of here. She thought while standing up. She held her hand out to Axle and said in a hopeful voice, "Hey, let's just take shelter for now. If your dad's right, then we'll be the next ones on those shadows' stab list."

Axle took her hand and hoisted himself up. They both stared at Axle's unconscious dad, thinking of where to go and how to get him there. Elaine went with the obvious choice, so she suggested, "Let's go hide out at your house. We can think more clearly when we're out of danger at least."

Axle agreed and he created a stretcher to carry his dad on. Elaine took one side while he took the other. "On three. One, two, three!" Elaine counted. They lifted with all their might and managed to carry Axle's dad all the way to the entrance of the house. Oof, Axle's dad must work out, he's so heavy.

Elaine was about to enter the doorway with the other half of the stretcher when Axle stopped her. "Wait," he cautioned, "My dad set up magical protection spells all around the house. I need to tweak them to let you pass, otherwise you'd get a random surprise of pain."

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