Chapter 12 - Elaine

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"What do you mean she's in trouble?" Axle asked. "She's a powerful Magician. I'm pretty sure she's untouchable with her level of skill."

Elaine didn't get it herself. When she met the Luminary leader, she felt magic energy practically dripping from the woman. Whatever it is, it's strong enough to make her call for help.

Without further hesitation, Mist strode back into the mansion. Elaine and Axle ran after him, while Drake stayed behind to yell orders at the only few trainees on the field.

They went back inside and Mist headed for the stairs. "You two, get to the front of the mansion. I'll pick you up after I grab a few things." Mist ordered them. Elaine and Axle obeyed, maintaining a serious expression given the situation they were in.

"Is it more of those rogue magicians from illegal groups?" Axle wondered as they left the surreal foyer.  Elaine replied, "I don't know, but let's just hurry and find her. The sooner we get there, the better." Axle put on a grim face which made Elaine try to keep a steady and determined one.

They stood on the steps of the mansion, anxiously waiting for Mist to pop out of the closed double doors. A few minutes passed before Elaine heard the sound of huge sloshing waves from above. Quickly, she looked up to find Mist riding a wave as it rushed out of one of the windows of the mansion and landed at the bottom of the stairs. Beside him were two teens who looked identical.

"Let's go. Roy and Ray will come along to help and to get you both there." Mist nodded to the two boys by his side. Elaine managed a slight wave. How can someone be so cool and cute at the same time? And also have a twin? She tried pushing back her dreamy thoughts about the two away. Axle just gave a polite bow, oblivious to Elaine's current train of thought.

"Elaine, come on." She shook her head and suddenly noticed that they were all waiting for her to join them. Axle was already being slightly levitated by one of the twins. She walked awkwardly to the other twin, trying to keep her cool. As the familiar feeling of being levitated cascaded all over her body, Elaine tried relaxing into the feeling of the teen's magic. It felt like being stuck into a mould that was her exact size and being carried around in it. They hastily rose into the air and sped northbound.

"When we get there Axle, both you and Elaine will stay hidden okay?" Elaine's ears perked up and she protested, "What? No way, you need all the help you can get if it's that serious." Axle yelled his agreement against the wind.

Mist explained with a patient but stern tone, "True, but with both of your levels of experience, you'll be more of a burden than a helpful ally."

Elaine couldn't believe what she was hearing. It made sense to keep her away from the battle, but Axle? He just kicked Drake's butt in that duel a while ago. Axle can help. When Elaine glanced at the boy though, she saw him nodding slightly. He didn't even complain this time. She couldn't believe there were people like Axle who existed: People who just went with everything the leader says, even though it sounded like a major disadvantage on their part.

They continued the rest of the way in total silence. They zoomed past buildings and honking cars with dangerous speed. Elaine thought if she didn't catch a fly in her mouth by now, then she'd have caught a bird with her face.

Finally Mist spoke, "We're here."

Elaine looked far ahead at the slow rumbling dark dust cloud right in the middle of a forest preserve of the city. Shadow beasts. Elaine realized. The same kind of dark and wrong-feeling energy could be felt from all the way where Elaine was floating in place. She figured if she got closer, she'd be overwhelmed with the immense magical energy from the area then she'd pass out.

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