Chapter 11 - Axle

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Axle couldn't see anything. The last thing he remembered was almost passing out from being strangled by a giant wooden hand. Right before he thought he was gonna run out of breath, an instinct came over him. He had never felt it before. It had a strong primal energy that coursed through Axle's whole body.

What is this..? Axle let out a pained gasp as his vision was covered in a blue film. Everywhere he looked became a dark blue. He shut his eyes and yelled at the top of his lungs. When he opened them again, everything in the room stopped moving. The grip of Drake's wood hand eased enough for Axle to slip through and fall to the destroyed ground.

The lights of the floor were no longer present. Axle lay there breathing hard for a while before he surveyed his surroundings.

He looked in Drake's direction and found Elaine beside him. She was tugging at the teen's arm when she stopped all of a sudden, her face and eyes wearing blank expressions. Groaning with pain, Axle crawled to where his friend was standing. He stood up and shook Elaine gently, "What happened? Are you okay?"

Looking around again Axle felt an uneasiness begin to grow. He felt his stomach twist. "...What did I do?"

Elaine still didn't respond. Then all of a sudden she let go of Drake's arm and started sobbing. She fell on her knees and was desperately searching the floor for something. Axle was moved with pity and guilt. "Elaine! What's happening? How do I stop this?"

Right when Axle was trying to comfort his friend, Drake also woke up from his expressionless trance and began shouting incoherently with angry tears on his face. Not you too. Axle moved back and forth between the two, feeling helpless. When none of his attempts made either of them wake up, he too started tearing up.

What do I do, What do I do...

He stopped and sat down on the ruined map floor, hugging his knees. Dad's in trouble, and I can't even control my magic... What's wrong with me? Axle's quiet whimpers were drowned out by the louder cries of the two who were under a spell that he didn't know how to stop. Now that his life was never going to be the same again, he sat there in defeat.

As Axle cried, he heard a voice.

Deep breaths, Axle.

Axle lifted his head in surprise. That was his father's voice. Does that mean...?

Focus, Axle. Calm your mind and extend your hands.

Axle did as his father's voice instructed, breathing in and out three times while stretching his arms in front of him.

Good. Now grab the illusions and peel them away.

Axle breathed in again and closed both his hands into fists, imagining the spell as a blanket. Slowly, he started pulling on the 'fabric' of the spell he accidentally cast. To his relief, the dark blue haze around the room began to get pulled away in Axle's direction.

Axle pulled and pulled until every trace of his spell had vanished and disintegrated into his hands. The foyer was filled with life and movement the moment the spell dissipated. Thanks dad. Axle said internally.

"What..?" Drake uttered, feeling the tears on his face.

The teen looked around the room and his eyes landed on Axle. "You" his voice dripped with anger. Drake started walking to Axle when a familiar voice boomed from the top of the stairs.

"I leave you with them for FIVE MINUTES and you're already trying to KILL them?" Mist stormed down the steps and surveyed the destroyed room. "Honestly Dre Dre, I thought you'd at least try being the nice guy for once."

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