Chapter 5 - Axle

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The last thing Axle remembered was casting the teleportation spell and transporting him and Elaine to the top of a different café far away from the destroyed school and the creature they battled. After that, his vision continued to blur until he blacked out of exhaustion. He knew he was capable of that size and strength of magic, but he didn't fully believe in it until the beast made of shadows was charging at them, ready to strike. What Axle didn't expect at all was for the girl who asked to hang out with him also have her own magic. He felt mixed feelings in that singular short moment when they glanced into each other's eyes.

Axle awoke with a jolt. He sat up quickly but was greeted with a sharp pain all over his body. His head ached like he was going through a bad cold. He opened his eyes to take in his surroundings. Beside him, Elaine was watching him with a concerned yet surprised expression. Axle held his head with one hand and tried standing up with the other. "Whoa whoa whoa. Don't get up just yet, Axle. You need to rest." He felt his companion get a hold of him and guided him back down.

"I can't rest... Must get us... to safety." Axle managed to groan out while trying to get back up. He tried a few failed attempts, but ended up sitting down and eventually laying on his back. Frustrated, Axle closed his eyes and tried using his magic to heal himself. To help give him energy. But that was ridiculous. He couldn't use his energy to regain his energy. He heard Elaine reassure him, "We're already safe, Axle. You kind of teleported us far away from the school." Hearing this, Axle felt relieved and he relaxed a bit.

He lay there resting while his thoughts zoomed around his head. So Elaine has magic too huh... How did I not notice that before? How long has she been hiding it? What's her Magic Type? Has she had training like me with dad? Hmm, I don't think so. Her protective wall of light was almost instantly destroyed by that shadow thing. Is her family magic too? I gotta know...

Axle opened his eyes and spoke, "So you're magic too." Elaine looked from the sky towards Axle, her face suddenly alight with excitement. "Oh yes. I'm quite the expert too." Axle internally rolled his eyes. She sounded exactly like how he did when he was just starting out training with his dad at a young age of seven. "Oh are you? What's your level of magic then?" Axle asked slyly. If she answered this, then he'd know just how much experience Elaine had with magic.

She stuttered a bit, "Uh.. 9?... Advanced?" Axle couldn't help but laugh out loud. Elaine huffed beside him and poked at his sore arm. Axle yelped at the sudden pain and shuffled away from her. "You have no idea what your magic's potential is, do you?" He said to her.

Elaine shifted uncomfortably from where she sat. After a moment, she reluctantly said, "Okay fine. I have no idea what to do with this. You and your father seem to know all the answers so why don't you just teach me huh? Instead of just laughing at me."

Axle managed to sit up now and he stared at her. He said in a surprised tone, "You met my father?" The girl beside him nodded and said, "Yeah, and he doesn't seem to be that impressed with my magic when I showed him." "Well, what's your Magic Type?" Elaine just looked at Axle doubtfully.

Axle raised his hands and said, "Hey that's a real question. Magic Types are a thing. Think of it like your specialty when you do magic. For example: My father's Magic Type is Teleportation." 

Elaine interrupted, "Ohh, is that how you got to teleport us out of here? You also have that Magic Type?"

Axle shook his head patiently and replied, "No, no. Any Magician can teleport. However, those with the Magic Type of Teleportation are experts at it. They can do it quickly and even experiment with it, unlike what I just did." He chuckled a bit, looking at the circle of soil that got teleported along with them.

Elaine then stood up and said, "Okay, so what's my Magic Type? How do you tell?" Axle tried standing up as well and managed to get to his feet. He steadied himself and thought he'd just sit on the chair that was conveniently on the roof with them. He still felt dazed.

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