Chapter 8 - Elaine

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Elaine had her eyes shut tight. She was actually flying in the sky. Although, standing straight up while floating in a northward direction wasn't exactly Elaine's definition of flying. She thought she was just keeping a new friend some company but now she was suspended up high close to the clouds, heading towards who knows where.

Monique casually strode on her dirt path as it moved forward in the air. "So" Monique started. "You're a Light Element Mage."

Realizing that Monique was referring to her, Elaine responded, "Yep. I just found out too." Monique moved closer to her. "Judging by how much you're freaking out about all of this, I'd say you are still new to the concept of magic existing, yes?"

Elaine nodded sheepishly. In her head, she was hoping for the off chance of being invited to join the Celestial Alliance so she could learn all about magic. Then she remembered again that she couldn't. No, I can't go with them. Mom needs me. No one's gonna be there to look after Eric and Jerry when she's working.

Elaine was quickly surprised out of her thoughts however, when Monique asked, "It is our policy at the Celestial Alliance to ask for you to join us. Since you're new to magic, we can be your guide to hone your abilities to help serve the greater good here alongside the alliance. That is, if you are willing and committed to do so. Well, do you wish to join us?"

Elaine held her excited squeals inside. No matter how much she wanted it, she knew it wasn't gonna help her family's situation at all. Elaine usually did what she wanted and got away with it, as long as she was still able to help around the house and with her younger brothers.

But if she joined a possible crime fighting vigilante organization... Elaine could only imagine how complicated it would get with her mom, especially since she was gonna keep it a secret just like her magic.

"Well?" Monique prompted Elaine, patiently waiting for a response.

"I'm sorry" was all she managed to say to the Mage.

Monique narrowed her eyes at her and said knowingly, "You haven't told anyone about your magic, have you?" Elaine tried deflecting the question by answering, "Well, I told Axle. Does he count?"

At the sound of his name, Axle turned his head to glance at the two of them. His whole body bobbing up and down with the movement of the dolphin he rode. "Do I count in what?" Monique waved her hand away at him and half of her dirt walkway turned into a wall to make their conversation more private.

"Hey! Ruuude." Axle protested as he disappeared from Elaine's view.

"Be honest with me Elaine. Have you told your parents about your magic? Does anyone else in your family have magic abilities? Distant relatives perhaps?" Elaine shook her head slowly. "No I haven't told my mom. My dad passed away when I was barely a year old, and I don't know anyone else in my family that has what I have."

"Interesting..." Monique mumbled to herself. "You know, magic is inside every single human being." Elaine nodded, thankful that she knew at least that much about magic because of Axle's little lecture.

"Right." Monique continued, "If none of you from your family's lineage had magic, then I guess you can be the start of a long line of magicians. Wouldn't that be cool?" Elaine just nodded her head again, unsure of where their conversation was going. Then Monique suggested to her, "I know you have your reasons for keeping your magic a secret, but trust me on this: If you keep a secret long enough, it will end up consuming you in the future."

Elaine went silent, thinking. Then she replied, "I know. But you can't even begi-"

An explosion went off right below them.

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