Chapter 21 - Axle

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Axle could tell his dad didn't have much time.

"Yes, of course ma'am. I have been watching your daughter and keeping her safe as soon as the explosions hit." He heard his dad reassure Elaine's mom.

Despite all of his dad's attempts to hide it, Axle was as observant as ever. He saw the way his father's eyes flinched everytime he sat down or made any extra effort to move. He's been eyeing the way he carried himself ever since getting teleported.

We're close, Axle thought. Just a little further.

Axle's dad gave the phone back to Elaine then returned to walking beside Axle, holding his hand

"Your friend's mom is just as protective as me, and she doesn't even know her daughter has magic!" his dad joked.

Axle could only give a slight chuckle in response, his mind now only focused on getting to the Luminary as soon as possible.

They crossed the street that led them to the path leaving town. Axle looked back at it. Despite their eventful visit, the whole place felt like a surreal experience to him. Olsen carried on without so much as a glance back at the group, walking along the sidewalk that was quickly transitioning to a rocky dirt path.

The gentleman hummed softly. "Not much farther now." He looked to Axle's father. "Do you need my walking stick, James?"

Axle's dad refused it, letting go of Axle's hand. "I'm fine," he said. "I'll manage long enough."

Olsen shrugged and continued walking. They headed deeper into the trees and foliage while still following the main road out of town. Axle's dad slowly drifted away from his side and Elaine slowly drifted towards Axle.

"How's your dad? I'm so glad he didn't say anything about magic to my mom."

Axle shrugged lightly. "He's holding on. But if we don't get their quick, he won't even be able to stand up."

His friend gently took his hand. "Don't worry, we'll all carry him the rest of the way there if that happens."

He held Elaine's hand tighter, thankful yet still feeling hints of sadness for her. Elaine was observing their surroundings, as if she was just sightseeing, but Axle was just looking at her. Ever since knowing about Elaine and her father's past, Axle couldn't help but feel bad everytime she saw him and his own father interacting.

"Hey Elaine," he said, trying not to falter on the question. "A-are you okay?"

The question seemed to confuse Elaine. She grinned and nodded anyway. "Of course I am. Well, maybe super tired from all the walking, but I can sleep it off when we get to the other Luminary, no biggie."

That wasn't what Axle meant. He tried again, attempting to drop his question lightly. "I mean, are you okay, considering your uh, wi-with your dad and all. And-and seeing the both of us..."

Axle looked to his dad walking alone behind Olsen. Elaine followed his gaze. She looked sad now that Axle mentioned it.

Oh, I didn't mean to.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" he started.

Elaine cut him off as she tried to dry her eyes before any tears left them. "No no, it's okay. I guess you should know about my dad since we're practically brother and sister at this point." She laughed, and Axle smiled softly.

"I was really close with him back when I was younger, maybe four?" Elaine started. "It was all a blur for me. But I loved every moment of it. I had amazing parents and that's something not a lot of my friends had when they were growing up."

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