Chapter 18 - Elaine

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Before they knew it, Elaine, Axle, his dad, and a couple of random Magicians were gathered in the main building of the Luminary where the Luminary leader resided.

"Tell me again, why must I be part of this escapade?" complained an old Magician in front.

Besides him, Elaine observed another Magician who had been called there. She was a woman possibly as old as Axle's father, wearing a simple blue dress while holding a large green shoulder bag that looked like it had nothing in it. She reminded Elaine of her distant Aunt Anna.

"I'm with Mister Olsen, why is it important that both of us be here?" The woman asked as well, adjusting her bag while wearing a patient, yet confused expression.

Both Monique and Jericho stood a few steps above the group.

Monique spoke. "As you both already know, James here is in no condition to travel, let alone protect the children, so we need your experience and skills to escort them to the next Luminary over, where the Prophecy Mages are currently training."

"But again, why two? Surely Kyra here is more than capable of escorting one weakened adult and two children?" asked Olsen.

"Who, not to mention, also have magic of their own?"

The woman who looked like Elaine's aunt gave the old man a sour face, but didn't object to the suggestion.

It was Jericho's turn to speak. "We know Miss Kyra is capable of such, but with your capabilities, Sir Olsen, you won't be caught by anyone, both magic or ordinary. In the event that you do get caught by enemy Mages, Kyra will be there for extra protection."

With Jericho giving the explanation tersely, the two Magicians nominated for the task simply nodded and accepted the mission.

Elaine, Axle, and his father were led to a small room inside the mansion-like base of Jericho as they rested a bit and waited for their escorts to gather their travel supplies.

It was still a mystery to Elaine how such powerful forces existed, yet they always had an endless loop of limitations.

"Why can't we just teleport all the way to the next Luminary? Surely other Magicians thought of that before, right?" she had asked Axle.

To which he had responded, "Teleportation Mages can only get us so far. They're not miracle workers you know."

But that was what Elaine had first thought when she figured out magic's existence. She thought it meant the end of all her problems, that she could easily spell her way out of any situation, with the right skill and power.

Axle had explained that if magic like that was truly possessed by people, there'd be limitless power, but also limitless consequences to pay for such dangerous magic.

The doors to their room opened to reveal Olsen and Kyra. They were all geared up like in the video games Elaine played, which made her more than slightly smile at the prospect.

Olsen, though old as he was, had his regular clothes on with a large dark purple cloak over it. He carried an old sling bag made of leather and a fancy-looking walking stick to finish his look.

Kyra on the other hand, was wearing simple boots, jeans with a plain brown tee, and a royal blue trench coat. She was also still carrying the nearly empty bag when she entered the waiting room.

"Let's go then?" she beckoned the three of them.

Elaine, together with and Axle and his dad, followed their bodyguards into the foyer of the mansion, and then out to the front porch, where Monique and Jericho were waiting. They were talking with a few Magicians when they got there.

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