Meet Up

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The whole day I've been questioning if this is a good idea. Especially since this guy barely knows me since we did only meet once. Plus with his history I'm not so sure this is a good idea. Then again with his years of experience he could be helpful. Could also be my nerves since talking to someone about my feelings isn't something I do. Neither is he apparently but here we are.

After school ended for the day Peter offered to go to his house so we could play some video games but I said I had to meet up with someone. He found it strange but didn't ask any other questions. I've been appreciating Peter about not trying to force anything out of me or push anything too. Though he does push it at times but not to the extent for me to really snap on him. He's been a very understanding friend. Don't have many of those nowadays.

Walking through New York I made my way to the bar that we met at. No, I wasn't drinking there, even though I do have a fake ID. Maybe I should explain myself here. During my early days of being the Spook, before the papers gave me that name, I ran into you could say one of my first "supervillains" you could call them. For me I just call them a constant pain in my ass.

It was a night like any other, Gwen pissed me off previously during the day so I was pretty ticked off. While chasing down a car being chased by the police I was surprised to have sound waves come through the roof hitting me through the air. Thankfully I had a police car to soften the fall, see the sarcasm? Thankfully one of the cops actually had good aim hitting one of their tires. So they started running away on foot while I gave chase after the guy who flung me into a police car. During our fight he hit me again, launching me through the wall into a bar and destroying a specific someone's drink, he was not happy. Knocked the guy out in one punch while helping me fight him. Of course he got thrown around a couple of times which only pissed him off more.

After we were done said he liked me and my style. Gave me his number and told me if I ever needed help or to talk, give him a call. Wonder if he saw what I really was underneath that mask. Said he was a teacher of some sort. Not sure what kind of teacher he was after seeing him fight. Walking into the bar I looked around to see if I could see him but it looked like he wasn't here yet. I took a seat at the bar pulling my hood back while I waited.

"You look a little young to be around here?", the bartender said, seeing me.

"I'm waiting for someone"

"We don't serve kids", he said sternly. I just shot him an annoyed glare. Before he could say another word a man stood next to me coming to my aid.

"He's with me Paulie"

"Logan! How've you been? it's been too long", the bartender said, changing his tune

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"Logan! How've you been? it's been too long", the bartender said, changing his tune. He soon took a seat right next to me ordering a beer which the bartender was already opening and handing to him. Definitely a usual.

"I've been good Paulie, just the usual marriage up and downs"

"Trust me I know the feeling Logan. Being married for thirty years", Paulie said, earning a laugh out of the two. After that Paulie walked away before Logan shifted his view onto me.

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