He was everything and nothing at the same time, he was a diamond in her eyes, she was stunned with the fact that others saw him as an ore amongst themselves, but what she felt changed her view astoundingly. There was sadness in knowing that no one saw him as she did, that they were ignorant of a hidden gem that only she saw, a secret in her heart that only she kept.
She was desperate, she couldn't help but speak of him, how he made her feel like she was on cloud nine, but people's ignorance of the one true trait of humans, that has become quite scarce in today's world, love was too great of a blockage for them to open their hearts to understanding, and listening.
How great it is to admire someone, how amazing to be able to see someone in a lens that magnifies the admirable traits of that person and try to understand their faults and hopes, dreams and fears. To truly know someone, and look for them amongst a wave of strangers with individual lives, going on and about, having their own problems, opinions, choices, and decisions to make, but you.., in the hustle and bustle of it all know, that just the mere thought of YOUR person makes you succumb and bring your heart smiling all the way home.

Impossible Admiration
PoetryThese are some of my random original works of all the times I felt like I wanted to express myself and my raw feelings, This is simply like reading my diary, contained are which my heart and mind.