I want to write poetry, I want to absorb it's essence, I wish to be immersed in it's pleasure, for words to be my language, my pen an instrument and my heart a translator to symbols of love, an inititator.
Poetry is art, not everyone can make, it takes courage to write about nothing, because poetry is fake.
It isn't real, do you honestly believe? That someone can write words so coherent that it rhymes like an invisible beat? Like the web a spider makes, from a certain distance it's invisible, but once you get caught, the damage is irreversible.
You have been hit by something that's fake yet so real, that it leaves a mark in your heart you cannot reveal. For it evoked something within you, a yearning to be seen, somehow, somewhere a poet was able to achieve this for another human being.

Impossible Admiration
PoesíaThese are some of my random original works of all the times I felt like I wanted to express myself and my raw feelings, This is simply like reading my diary, contained are which my heart and mind.