Occupied with my mind, I wish I hadn't known, wish I hadn't felt. When you told me how you feel, how much to you she meant. How stupid, how hopeless I felt.
A small seed of hope, probably from my barren mind, could make me imagine that you were ever mine.
She was described by you as "Beautiful, growing more and more each day, I guess I'll just watch, like a rose waiting to be picked, but as her thorns pierced through, no one really did.
She was like a sunflower who thrived under the sun's bright rays, I who was like that of a cactus, blessed with flowers only to be scorched by your gaze.
She, whose eyes and smile were fermented in grace, whilst mine were recently dipped in greatest dismay.
I wish I hadn't known, that to you she was time, a perfect prose, an unwritten rhyme, a lucky dime. The song you played on repeat, living rent free on your mind.
But you trusted me, for all the reasons I never did know. For all the reasons you told me that she is someone I know...
Then and there I knew, I wish I hadn't known, because now I can't help but hate myself and all I can do is moan.
I wish I hadn't known, that this would be a tale far too known. As this story unravels though, I already know what to do, mind my own business, and forever walk away from you.
Like I said, I've been here before, the last thing I'd want is to hurt you and yours, so I'll slip away quietly, like a sunrise you'll see briskly, and I'll stop these feelings I've tried to deal with ever so severely...

Impossible Admiration
PoetryThese are some of my random original works of all the times I felt like I wanted to express myself and my raw feelings, This is simply like reading my diary, contained are which my heart and mind.