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Ship(s): Sonfinite or Infonic

Sonic of Choice: Trans

Trimester: Full Term

How Many Kitons: One

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A trans male blue hedgehog, was in tears as he covers his mouth to stop himself from screaming out in agony...a puddle of clear fluids was beneath his legs...the hedgehog is very heavily pregnant, mostly because of his kidnapper has been rapping him without protection, "N-No...p-please...just Ahh!!" He whimpered out as he clinched his stomach. His kiton couldn't wait.

He just controls his breathing as he was trying to stop his body from pushing...but to no avail, he just lets out a small squeak off agony...as he felt another contraction blood started staining his already bruised thighs, and legs. The hedgehog started sweating as it was getting hard to fight it.

He's been stuck in this prison for nine months...and he yet have been rescued by anyone, but he was still hoping for one his friends to save him from all the abuse.

"MMM!?!" He muffles into his hand as he just started push...he couldn't keep his child inside him...that would be killing it as well as himself.

His vision was starting to get blurry cause of the bloodloss he was losing from this painful labor. But he was alone in all this...the father of his kiton was probably out doing a mission, and his enemy didn't care enough.

He took a deep breath in as he pushed letting out another agonizing cry out of pain. He was only sobbing as he really just want to kill his baby's daddy for get him pregnant.

Another agonizing scream escapes his throat as he pushes, he can just feel his kiton slip out of his womb, he only started panting as he just didn't know he could stay awake any longer, but he had to...his body just refused to let him just give.

He pushes with everything that he got, to the point that he can feel ears, he's almost done...he flinches feeling another contractions as he just started pushing.

Trembling he started panting heavily, as he readies himself for another push.

"AHHH!?!" Sonic screamed out, he felt kind of relieved when felt the tiny kiton leave his body, he sniffs as he weakly pulls the kiton all the out...he started to lick away the gunk out of the tiny jackal's face it was the only thing he can do since he planned on keeping her hidden from the likes of her father and that evil genus.

The kiton started to whimper and weep, when she was finally able to breathe, the hedgehog...who was rather sore did most of that medical things for his kiton, mostly based on his instincts.

He pushed his way through the pain to the secret area away from the cameras, in a makeshift nest that he built with whatever he could find in his holding cell, he whimpers as he just felt tired.

The hedgehog was cover in scars, and bruises he rest his back against a pillow.

The kiton already getting that nutrients just by sucking on his nipples drinking the milk.

The hedgehog only weakly smiles at her, falling in and out of consciousness.

"I...I'm gonna protect you..." He mutters before just completely going unconscious.

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