Level 16: Eye of the Storm

498 31 49

Flashback Cutscene: Panic Attack

9 years and 5 months ago...

Stumbling down the celebrating streets of Paris, Adrien couldn't breathe. His throat was restricting every attempt as he tried to gain some sort of calm. His hand slammed into the wall, pushing himself forward and through the gaps in the river of people.

Focus, Adrien! Just keep your eyes forward and focus!

He would say he didn't know where he was going, but that would be a complete lie. As he pushed his way through the crowd, he ignored the gasps and announcements of his name, instead he continued on. There was only one place he needed to be, one person he needed to be with.

"That's Monarch's son!"

"I wonder if he knew what a terrorist his father was."

"I bet he was on the same side."

"I thought Gabriel Agreste was dead!"

The back of his eyes stung, the sudden build-up of tears blurring his vision and making him glad he knew this route like the back of his hand.

Forwards... right... 6 paces... left...

Breathe, Adrien! You're going to pass out if you don't!

He wasn't sure if he was talking to himself, or whether Plagg was trying to get his attention. All he knew was he needed to keep moving, because if he stopped he would have to think, he would have to feel... and right now he wanted to do neither.

Breathe! Breathe!

A sudden blur of red shot overhead, halting on a rooftop and crouching down. It was obvious she was looking for something, or more importantly someone. The crowd cheered and chanted her name, just like they always did. A couple even shouting out to question where her partner was. Lila had been defeated. Paris was safe once more — and he couldn't give a shit!

Nobody knew they would never see him again. She didn't know that she would never see him again — not that she'd care.

He felt a pain in his chest and backed himself into a darkened alleyway, Plagg releasing himself from where he was settled in Adrien's shirt and flying up to comfort his holder.

"You're okay," Plagg insisted. "You're okay," he repeated, patting Adrien's head in a caring and uncharacteristic way. "Just breathe. Think of something calming and breathe."

The pain in his chest increased as the sounds of the crowds grew louder, escaping confetti being blown in the wind and landing on his head. Red streamers of new beginnings and hope, green streamers celebrating a hero's victory against evil. Lila Rossi had been taken down and sent to prison where he was quite sure she'd be stuck for the rest of her life. However, the reappearance of his father was chilling and unexpected.

Had his father always been malicious, or was it something which had come with hate and love? Could losing your soulmate really push you over the edge that much?

Plagg's voice continued in his ear, calming his panic attack before it went too far. He was hot and sweaty, yet the cool breeze sent shivers to his core.

He stretched for his right hand and checked his Miraculous was there, before checking his left for his mother and father's rings. They were all there, accounted for.

Adrien's chest began to loosen, the tight pain easing off slowly, but surely and his vision was coming back as ears cleared of the buzzing.

"I'm okay," he said, flinging his head back onto the wall which was keeping him upright. "I'm okay."

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