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10 years later...

"And that's why the partnership of Ladybug and Chat Noir is a fundamental basis for us all to aspire to. Their support, loyalty and friendship spread, not only between themselves, and Paris, but also their enemies. The power of their love was often seen as their greatest weakness, but ultimately proved to be their greatest strength."

Emma closed her notepad, and placed the pen in the corner of her mouth before standing up and heading towards her school bag. Pulling out her pencil case, she put her favourite pen back inside and zipped it up safely. Heaven forbid she ever lost it.

A knock on the door had her turning, only to see her father standing there with a strange smile on his face which made her eyes roll.

"What do you want, papa?"

"Do I not get a hug anymore?" he asked, pushing open the door and leaning on the frame. "You're only 10, and by my calculations, I still have at least 20 more years of warm hugs."

"Maybe if you weren't dressed as a giant cat."

Chat Noir looked down as if he hadn't realised he was still in his super suit, a wicked smile encroaching on his face. "I used to purr you to sleep for hours when you were a baby, you know. You were such a little daddy's girl."

Emma huffed and rolled her eyes, sitting back down on her chair with a sigh. She opened her book once again and looked back over her essay. The whole study of the heroes seemed pointless, but she supposed it was like learning about the wars; hopefully through education, the actions won't be repeated. But to everyone else they were just stories — historical events. They didn't know her mother and father were almost killed and that she almost died along with them.

Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir – memories or myths?

Myths, indeed!

"What's up, sugar plum?" Chat Noir walked forward and sat himself on the chaise lounge in her room, the one which had been her mother's many years before.

"Was it all true?" she asked, looking down at her work and her textbook. "I mean, I know a lot of it's true, just look at you and maman, that's all the evidence I need. But when I read about it, I never know what is fact and what is fiction."

Chat Noir stretched forwards and grabbed the textbook from on the table.

The Tales of the Miraculous

"What do you think is true?" he asked, flicking through the pages delicately so as to not rip them with his claws. She watched as he stopped on a picture of the original team in the days just after they'd defeated Monarch, a pain shooting through his eyes she'd seen many times in the past. It was like she lost him for a couple of seconds before he returned to his normal happy self.

"I don't know, you never talk to me about it!"

Chat Noir sighed, turning his attention to the door. "Marinette!" he shouted, the sound of feet against wood came almost instantaneously. His wife's beautiful form came into view, only... "Why are you suited?"

His wife passed through the doorway, baby in arms as she moved to seat herself beside him. She placed Hugo down and Chat Noir watched as the baby, with green eyes and blond hair, began to crawl around the room.

"I needed to use the yo-yo to contact Alix at the Temple," she said, Chat Noir stopping her before she could call her transformation off.

"Leave it," he said with a smile. "Emma has some questions for us."

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