Level 23: Scars

424 27 15

Cutscene: Love Notes

Adrien and Marinette's wedding day...

Marinette looked around the room full of her nearest and dearest. The whole ballroom was buzzing as people drank, chatted and danced. She couldn't believe the day was almost over and she would be off on her honeymoon, a whole three weeks with Adrien to herself. Paris had been quiet for years, and for the past few months Tikki had laid dormant in her bag without a need to transform.

She walked around the edge of the dance floor, watched Adrien bounce around with his friends to some rock song he adored. He was a wonderful sight of love, life and happiness, enthralling to anyone who happened to gaze upon him. Adrien and the rest of the guys had taken their ties off and tied them around their heads, just as they'd all done at Ivan's wedding the year before and what had suddenly become their group's tradition.

Nino was currently on his knees playing air guitar, as Ivan had his arm around Félix, and Adrien and Kim chest bumped. Marinette let out a giggle as she continued the survey of the room. Alya sat with the other girls all laughing and joking, Myléne gently rocking the sleeping baby in her arms.

Her mother and father were dancing on the floor, along with Nathalie and Emilie, Gorilla standing guard on the edge of the floor. He wasn't fooling anyone though. As stone-like as he looked, Marinette noticed the small taps of his foot, and the bob of his head. She couldn't help but giggle, making a mental note to invite him for a dance later.

They'd worked hard to get to this point. Through tears and tribulations, they'd made it, even when the world wanted to be against them. The first year they were back together, Marinette was walking on eggshells; not because of her secret identity, but because she didn't want to break the newfound trust Adrien had placed on her. He'd forgiven her and accepted what she'd done, and even though sometimes it came into conversation they had moved past it – and she'd never been more grateful. His kind and caring personality was just another reason to love him.

Marinette next moved to the 'art table'. Kagami was in deep conversation with Marc, Nathaniel and Max, she had no doubts that the technology whizz was informing her feisty friend all about the game he was creating. The guys had gone mental over it, as had a lot of Paris.

Max had approached Ladybug for the all clear to use Akuma's in the game – not the actual person but what they represented. She hadn't seen any harm in it, and those she could contact seemed rather enthusiastic – including Nino and Ivan.

Her eyes moved again, landing on a pair staring straight back at her. A pair of eyes which had slowly started to lose their sparkle a couple of years ago. Moving his head to the side, Luka indicated for Marinette to follow him out and into the hallway.

She trailed him. Watching as he weaved in and out of people and corridors to lead them both to a quiet area in the hotel. She continued on his path, giving a quick 'hi' to those she passed.

Finally, Luka stopped just outside a doorway, pulling it open and offering her a hand in.

"Ladies, first!" he exclaimed. The look on his face had her second guessing whether she should or should not follow her friend inside. Was it wrong to be running off with someone who wasn't your husband on your wedding day? Husband! The word sent her giddy every time she thought about it. She was finally Mrs. Agreste.

Luka entered the room behind her, closing the door and blocking the one and only exit.

"What's this about? You said you needed to talk to me." Marinette looked over to him, waiting for him to speak. He'd been back from the Temple a year now, only toing and froing for assessments and meetings.

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