Play Again: Yes/No?

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Also 10 years later

Luka followed the line in front of him, step by step, from the respite room up to his cell. The day had been another one of confusion. His mind was still that of his 19 year old self, yet the skills he possessed kept the other prisoners away.

When he'd first arrived he'd been seen as fresh meat. His frame size made him seem like an unbelievable murderer... a murderer he didn't even realise he was. Once when he'd been approached by a gang within his block, it had taken him next to no time to take them down. Natural, fluid movements placing fear inside others who attempted to interfere with his day. Once again he looked down at his hands, clenching the knuckles tightly and wondering what he'd done over the past years to build such abilities. The last thing he could remember was having to leave Paris because of knowing the heroes' identities, to keep his friends safe. What the hell had happened?

It was Tuesday, a quiet day for him. Noone ever came to see him on a Tuesday. His mother would come Mondays, father Wednesdays, Juleka and Rose Thursdays - and Marinette used to come on a Friday – though it had been over a year since her last visit, and the conversations with her had been getting progressively more and more awkward. She told him that it was her, that her pregnancy was wearing her down and not making her good company, but anyone breathing could tell that was a lie.

The last few visits they sat in silence. It was as though she was there out of obligation, not out of want. It hurt! It hurt a lot! She was his best friend but now it was as if he didn't know her. Over time he'd learnt she'd unsurprisingly married Adrien, had two wonderful children, and when he last saw her that they were expecting their third child. She had been growing and glowing by the month. It was strange though, he'd always thought he'd be there beside them, a godfather to their children and a support for Marinette. He never saw this coming.

He continued walking forward. Marinette was the only one from the old gang who had kept in touch. He hadn't even seen Adrien since the final verdict when Chat Noir and Ladybug were present. Adrien couldn't even look at him, instead his concentration was purely on his wife, wrapping her in his arms as they read out his sentence. His triple life sentence.

Luka just couldn't understand what had happened to him and that scared him more than anything; committing such crimes without memories of them was terrifying. He made his way into his cell, nothing more than a calendar and bed in there. It had been 10 years and the guards still seemed to be scared of him, scared of what he could do.

"Luka Couffaine. Visitor."

He looked at the calendar again. He didn't have visitors on a Tuesday. He looked questioningly at the guard.

"Are you coming or not?" The guard said.

Luka made his way back out of his cell and followed the guard down the hallway. He seemed to always have three or four men when he moved. He couldn't understand why? He'd always followed the rules in here, only when it came to self defence did he attack.

Heading into the booths, Luka looked through the glass at the teenager sitting on the other side twirling a pen in between his fingers. His hair was black with blue tips, a slight oriental appearance which looked oddly familiar. Walking over, he sat down, his eyes still examining the boy.

Suddenly noticing him, the boy stopped spinning the pen and placed it down on the table, motioning for him to pick up the phone.

Tentatively, Luka reached for the phone and placed it to his ear. "H-hello? Do I know you?"

The boy snorted on the other side. "No, you never had a chance to meet me, but you will now. Name's Korey, by the way."

Tucking the phone between his shoulder and ear, the boy moved the sleeve of his hoodie revealing something which Luka hadn't seen in over a decade.

The Miraculous of the Snake.

"It's amazing what is in the family genes!"

Luka's eyes remained on the snake, his heart pounding hard as he considered what this actually meant. Who was this person?

"Aunt Juleka say's hi, by the way. Oh, and she'll be waiting for you outside."

Luka watched as the boy replaced the phone and slid the sleeve back over his wrist. He stood and walked out the room leaving Luka with a sense of unease... and a familiar weight on his wrist.

To be continued......?

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