Intermission Cutscene: While You Were Sleeping

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Flashback Cutscene: Passionate Declaration

9 years and 5 months ago...

Adrien pushed open the trapdoor and climbed the ladder up onto Marinette's balcony. She was still asleep, curled up in a ball on her bed, a bare space remaining where he was lying. He walked to the railing and placed his hands on it, gripping tightly and looking out at Notre Dame — and Paris.

He lifted his thumb, leisurely trailing it over his lower lip and feeling the soreness of his skin. His lips were 'kiss' bruised and he couldn't help smiling. His future lay beneath his feet, and although there was still a lot of talking to do and arguments to be had, they had both committed to the long run. To try and get past what had happened and see if they could get somewhere — together.

Adrien wasn't sure who'd cried the most — himself or Marinette. It was a long road they were starting on, but with time he was sure they could go back to what they were, especially with Marinette not having to hold such secrets anymore.

He looked down at his ring, his Miraculous, his key to freedom – but did it really represent that anymore. His magical artefact had turned so many lives upside down. His mothers, his fathers, Félix's, his, Ladybug's, Marinette's. It wasn't freedom at all, just another added burden.

"I know what you're thinking," Plagg flew from where he was hiding inside Adrien's shirt; a small, understanding smile on his face. "I get it Adrien, I do."

"I'm so sorry, Plagg, I shouldn't put you in this sort of position." Adrien shook his head. "It's just going to be a small break, right. Just time for me to gather my thoughts and think about what I want to do."

He looked behind him at the trapdoor again, his heart fluttering when he thought about the woman currently sleeping off their escapades. Marks of his love scattered over her body, claiming her in the most territorial way.

"She's good for you, you know. She loves you: heart, mind and soul, and I know she always has your best interests at heart, even if the way she goes about them is a little questionable."

Adrien turned back to Plagg and smiled. "She's amazing, and I will make sure I tell her that, every single day."

"Just remember this feeling, this overwhelming love, you might need it one day." Plagg flew forward and embraced his holder, Adrien stroking the kwami's back before grabbing a hold of his ring. "And promise me one thing, you'll keep the ring. I belong with you."

"Of course," Adrien replied. "Plus, it's not going to be too long, okay?"

Plagg smiled back, an understanding in his eyes that Adrien couldn't guarantee how long it was going to be. "Okay."

Adrien wiggled the ring once more, before grabbing Plagg and pulling him into another tight hug. "Goodbye, my friend."

"Goodbye, my kitten."

With one hard pull, the ring came off into his hand, Adrien renouncing Plagg and watching as the shining silver turned into a dull black; Plagg returned to his home within the ring. He took the Kwagatama from around his neck and slipped his ring beside it, ready for if or when he would wear it once more.

He felt the build up behind his eyes, his heart already suffering from the loss of his closest friend. But it wouldn't be forever, at least he hoped. Controlling himself, Adrien wiped over his eyes and grabbed his phone from his back pocket.

Selecting Nino's number, he placed it to his ear and waited for his friend to answer.

'Adrien? Thank god! Where the fuck are you?'

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