Chapter 17 (Season 1 finale)

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"RIAS, NO!!!" I shouted

I woke up in my dark bedroom with my hand outstretched and sweat drenching my body. My face was numb from when Riser beat me into unconsciousness. I then remembered the result of the rating game. We lost and now Rias was being forced to marry Riser.

"Fuck! Why wasn't I strong enough?! Even after everything we went through, all that training, it still wasn't enough!!!" I exclaimed

???: I'm surprised you're awake.

I turned my head to the side and saw Grayfia emerging from a magic circle. She wore an emotionless expression but I could see in her eyes that she was as disappointed with our loss as I was. Maybe it had to do with why she was in my room now.

"How'd I get here?" I asked

Grayfia: Shortly after Rias resigned, Riser was proclaimed the victor and the wounded were healed before being taken back to their homes.

"But why? Why would she do that? There's no reason Rias would give up like that. That's not who she is" I said

Grayfia: Riser was going to kill you. She saved your life by resigning and surrendering herself to this fate.

"She doomed herself to a lifetime of misery...for me?" I was shocked

Grayfia: You got up again every time he knocked you down and didn't give up. Despite being heavily injured and exhausted, you persisted for Rias' sake. Your persistence has not gone unnoticed. Lord Lucifer sent me here to give this to you. He also sent me with a message. "If you want my sister back Y/n, then you'd better be prepared to fight."

She handed me a teleportation flyer with a seal on it. The Phenex sigil was stamped in red wax on the flyer.

Grayfia: If you want to save Rias as much as I think you do, then use that. It will teleport you directly to the engagement party in the Underworld. What happens after that is out of my hands. Whether or not Rias is freed is up to you now. Good luck Y/n, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

She disappeared just as suddenly as she'd appeared, leaving me alone in my room. Before I could think about anything, my door opened to reveal my mom with a concerned look on her face.

Kyoko: Y/n what is it? I heard you shout. Are you okay?

"There's something I need to do Mom. A good friend needs my help" I said

Kyoko: What? Who is it?

"You wouldn't understand. Please, just let me do this" I said

I quickly got dressed and bolted out of the house before heading straight to the ORC.

(3rd pov, Phenex Estate)

Rias stood still as the maids of the Phenex household tended to the dress she was wearing. It was a white wedding dress that perfectly accentuated her large breasts, no doubt because of Riser's input. Speaking of, the Phenex proudly strode into the room with an aura of arrogance about him.

Riser: Leave us. I want a few words with my beloved.

The maids silently nodded before leaving the room and closing the doors. Riser walked circles around Rias, carefully inspecting every part of her body and the dress.

Riser: Yes, very good. I can't wait to take this off of you my dear.

Rias: Just because we're getting married doesn't mean I will ever love you. I only resigned so you wouldn't kill Y/n in cold blood. You sicken me, Riser. Repeatedly striking a defeated combatant? You have no right to call yourself honorable. A real fighter would cease fighting their opponent upon noticing them unable to fight.

Devil's Doom (Rias x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now