Chapter 36

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I woke up to see that Rias had moved to use my body as a pillow. She was still fast asleep and I didn't want to disturb her, so I slowly got out of bed and pulled the blanket over her slumbering figure. She made a cute moan as if she was stretching. I smiled before placing a kiss on her cheek and leaving the room.

I quietly went downstairs and into the kitchen. I was going to make breakfast for the both of us and I knew she would love it if I brought her breakfast in bed. I decided to go with something simple yet delicious, scrambled eggs and sausage links. After getting everything out I turned on the stove and began cooking.

This was a strange and new experience for me. It felt like something a husband would do for his wife. My face turned a little red as I realized this. I'd always admired Rias' beauty and how mature she was for her age. When she wasn't acting like a teenage girl in love, she acted like a leader and motherly figure to her servants. She was everything I wanted and more. Cute, funny, loving, motivated, and best of all, she saved my life more than once. I truly owed her more than I could ever repay.

I heard footsteps come down the stairs and was soon joined by my mom. She went over to the coffee pot and started it before leaning against the counter next to me.

Kyoko: You're up early.

"Yeah. I decided to make some breakfast for Rias. She's still asleep so I thought I'd surprise her" I said

Kyoko: That's very sweet of you. I'm sure she'll be happy you thought of her.

"I hope so," I said

Kyoko: So any plans today? It is the weekend.

"I'm going to take Rias on a date today," I said

Kyoko: Where to?

"I was thinking we could head downtown for a while. As for what we'd do, there are a few movies playing that seem like they could be good. After that I thought we could get some lunch and maybe do a little shopping" I said

Kyoko: That's a good idea, but make sure you ask for her input too. Girls love it when their man is interested in their opinions.

"I will. Thanks, Mom" I said

Kyoko: Any time.

I put the food on two plates and got two cups of orange juice before putting everything on a tray and carrying it to my room. I closed the door and set everything down on my desk. I sat on the bedside and gently shook Rias' shoulder. She woke up with a look of surprise that quickly turned to happiness when she saw me.

"Morning sleepy head," I said

Rias: Good morning Y/n.

"I made breakfast," I said

Rias: You didn't have to do that.

"I did it because I wanted to," I said

Rias: But-

I placed my hand on top of her head and rubbed her hair softly. She gazed at me with her turquoise eyes while my hand descended to touch her cheek.

"You dont always have to reject generosity. I did this because I love you, now eat, okay?" I said

Rias: Okay.

I handed her a plate and cup before grabbing my own.

Rias: Wow, this is good. Where did you learn to cook?

"I just started experimenting one day and realized I liked doing it. Call it a guilty pleasure of mine" I said

Rias: I didn't know that.

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