Chapter 73

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Erekhan: You will not stop me from achieving my goal. You are still a child who was gifted with power he has no idea how to use. When I'm done with you I will burn all of creation to the ground.

"As long as I can fight, I won't let that happen, even if I have to give up my future with Rias to defeat you," I said

Flames began swirling around me as I transformed once more. I stared daggers at my father as my body changed. My crucible cracked violently as I poured all the energy into it that I could spare. Without a word between us, I charged at my father with intent to kill.

(3rd pov)

A massive explosion rocked the sky as the duel between father and son commenced. The sound was so loud it might as well have been a sonic boom. Rias and her peerage blasted their foes away before taking a glance at the sky.

Rias(in mind): You can beat him Y/n, I know you can.


With a split-second reaction, Rias dodged a slash from a Marauder. Summoning a magic circle in her palm, she shot a hole through its chest. it stood still for a few seconds before falling on its back and turning to ash like all the others that had fallen.

Rias: Thanks Kiba.

Kiba: Don't mention it. I know you're worried about Y/n but he's fine. We need to focus on wiping all of these abominations away. Once we're done we can help him.

Akeno: She can't help but worry. He is her fiance after all.

Rias blushed ever so slightly as her servants all appeared. Azazel gave Asia a small spear that allowed her to fight. It possessed the soul of Fafnir, one of the five dragon kings. As an artificial sacred gear, she could call upon Fafnir's power and summon a balance breaker of her own. Koneko coated her fists in energy to shatter through the armor of the enemy forces. Kiba used his balance breaker to cut down the Marauders in one strike while summoning swords to immobilize the enemy soldiers around him. Gasper froze his targets which allowed Xenovia to come in with Durandal and decapitate them.

Issei had been given a portion of Vali's essence to help regrow his arm, which was why the draconic features on it appeared a pale white. Akeno used her powers as a fallen angel to send bolts of holy lightning shooting through multiple enemies simultaneously. And Rias? Well, she used her superior power as a pureblood high-class Devil to its full extent. Training with Sirzechs had helped her ascend to greater heights of strength.

Rias: You all didn't need to rally to my side. Your power would be put to better use if we spread out.

As she said that, a large group of Marauders took notice of the young Devils. One of them let out a loud snarl, attracting the attention of its peers. A round of demonic howls could be heard as the group beelined for the Devils with their weapons held high.

Issei: Are you sure about that?

Rias: Okay, maybe I exaggerated, but just a little.

Issei chuckled as he folded his wings and walked forward to meet the charging group of demons.


A medium-sized orb of red energy appeared in front of Issei's palm. He reared back as if to shoot forward with a punch, but he didn't. Instead, Issei crossed his arms in an x shape. Compartments on his leg armor opened up as numerous rods appeared, stabbing themselves into the ground. Issei's armor morphed and changed form just like his legs had done. The Gremory peerage was thrown for a loop as two massive cannons appeared, one on each of Issei's shoulders.

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