The Assassin's Dream:Chapter 1

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Decided to turn this partly into a Naruto fanfiction. I do not own Naruto. Only Shigure, Zuran, Akurai, Kai, Ryuu, Mirai, Kirin and Kiku.


I felt my chest constrict and un constrict many times. Every single time more blood came out. I had an illness. I inherited it from my birth mother. It came from her "Clan" as I remember that was how it was said. My mother wasn't really an assassin...she was a ninja. I was told by many she possessed beauty like no other and I was her spitting image. As you see, the lady I call "Mother" really isn't my mother, she is my aunt and her name is Akurai. My brother, Zuran, was actually my brother, though Kiku wasn't.

My father, Kai, was my real father, though I got no real features from him except for my eye shape. Both of our eyes were slit like and looked menacing, actually I loved it because on my missions I usually wore a mask that only let my eyes show. Father was a great man and loved my mother a lot. I have very few memories but one that always stands out to me.

It was funny because I was about to go to a flashback while I was still coughing blood. Oh well I felt it coming on already to late to stop now....


I ran around laughing in my kimono, I was around 5. It was fuchsia pink with little lavender splashes every now and then. Beautiful leaves were on it in an almost falling motion. It was held by a cute sash that was tied in a bow behind my back. Also my hair was beautifully held up with little swirls of lavender cloth and white beads that were tied in a slightly wild way around my hair. I also had a steaming teapot in my hand that was for my parentsthey loved tea.

I ran up to our secluded vacation house and hobbled up the sand on my little legs. I was tired but wouldn't stop till I saw my mothers white hair and fathers raven and red highlights. I reached up at the top and saw my mother and father sitting there looking at each other with a unknown emotion which I now understand is love. They were craddiling each other almost as if if they let go one of them would disappear. I smiled, if possible, wider and ran to them.

My Mother put on a bright smile and looked at me with her teal eyes which were identical to mine. I ran into her arms which were spread out for me. Momentarily forgetting I was holding steaming tea. Before I even reached her I tripped and caused the slightly scorching tea to fall onto me, burning my skin. I immediately screamed out in pain and fell. Within a second my Mother with her superb ninja reflexes had me in her arms.

"Kai, Get some water and ointment.", My mothers beautiful voice said retaining its calmness but with a tinge of anxiety. No doubt worried about my suffering.

"Ok! I'm going to get some bandages too!", My father said his voice losing all calmness and filled with panic.

I watched through blurry eyes as he ran in the house. My mother did some weird motions with her hands and I saw light green hue form from her palms. She gently put it to my injuries and I whimpered in pain from the feeling of my skin coming back together. After another minute she gently lifted her hands though she next did something unexpected, she gritted her teeth and frowned.

I looked at her before looking at my usually porcelain white skin, from my left hip to my mid thigh were now tanned. Tanned with burns and my skin was slightly wrinkled. It looked....revolting. I felt tears spring to my eyes and as a little 5 year old, I didn't stop them. I began to wail and scream in agony for my future. All that went through my head was that my crush, Ryuu, won’t ever like me.

"I'm ugly now! Look at me! Now nobody will ever love me!", Little me screamed.

"No! You’re beautiful! Don’t EVER say that you wont be loved! Don’t condemn yourself to loneliness, you WIll find love............” Mother finished with a sad face of understanding.

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