The Assassin's Dream:Chapter 2

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        I stared at the window...almost longingly; I really was in a daze. I know those eyes only belonged to one person I was forbidden to love, Ryuu. My boyfriend. 

Now, I am 17-turning 18 in about twelve days, so I should be able to date, right? Wrong. 

           In my family we don’t "date" we set up an arranged marriage at the age of 2 for two of the upper clans 4 th children. Yes...I am the 4th child. I am out of 8....yes....they are actually my full siblings. Only Kiku is not included which actually means I am the 4th out of 9. It is almost tradition to have more than 6 children, between my father and uncle it’s like a race!

            Also I am royalty; therefore to purposefully associate myself with ruthless ninjas is unheard of. Most upper clanswoman would consider jumping in mud instead of talking to ninjas. It disgusted me. How they completely rejected the 5 shinobi nations as if trash. In my eyes, Assassin's acts like trash. Killing for money without a second thought, No human morals followed. As I have learned and observed, in my castle, its sunny and nice. Yes, as expected from Sakan's excellence, but-that is a complete and Utter lie. I would dare someone to venture deep into our castle. I dare them to hear the screams of torture from my sister's experiments.

          My sister. My sister. No, not a real monster like the tailed-beasts I’ve read about but-she might as well be. Cold and ruthless. All I rember is her AGREEING to beat and torture me whenever I failed missions or did one step wrong during my training. Oh she was absolutely stunningly gorgeous, under that unworldly beauty was a true vile, disgusting, cold and ruthless soul. Her soul, damned to hell the minute she saw her first chemistry set. Her name is Nayami, literally meaning trouble. My mother once told me she had always sensed a dark aura from her.

Sad thing is, is that that bitch I call "Sister" actually came from my kind Mother. 

      I snapped out of my thoughts just realizing that Ryuu's eyes were no longer there and I was staring at an empty dull window. I looked over at a still groaning Kirin and narrowed my eyes with the sudden feeling of emptiness and rage. Now the rage is because Kirin took advantage but the emptiness is because I know that Ryuu and I's relationship won’t last much longer.

        Lately we have been arguing because I once caught him cheating with my other sister. The slutty one, means...erect. My mother always did have an affinity for seeing the future...maybe she guessed her 3rd child would be a slut like her sister. No not Akurai, Akurai is just a bitchy hag.

        I don’t know if I really loved Ryuu...but I was positive I felt a spark...but lately I haven't been feeling it. He spends more time in Kirigakure where Kiritsu lives. Though, I must at least see him before he leaves me for good. I am a forgiving person; I cherish the bonds I have. It is what makes me who I am today.

         I felt a dark look claim its place on my face as I continued staring at Kirin who now has stopped groaning but was failing at trying to stand; I was always complemented on packing a good punch. I tilted my head up too look at him through one of my piercing lightning blue eyes. I stood and began to glide over to him, almost like I was a hawk stalking their prey. I stopped directly in front of him and reached back with my left hand, fully ready to pulverize his face till his mother would have never been able to recognize, let alone heal it.

I growled and let my winded left hand loose fully ready to hit him-only to stop 1 cm from his temple when I heard the sound of someone screaming bloody murder. I let go of Kirin only to feel a sudden burst of panic, I turned around and located my door quickly running out my room with swiftness. I felt a presence behind me and I knew that it was Kirin's-obviously feeling or sensing my sudden panic as well.

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