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an eclipse is a breathtaking cosmic spectacle, where the moon gracefully dances across the sun, creating a surreal painting of colors and shadows. the world transforms, and a hushed reverence fills the air as nature acknowledges the rare celestial event.

it's a reminder of the beauty and mysteries that lie beyond our reach in the vastness of the universe.

but in an instant, i was jolted out of my thoughts as my body flinched, the impact of a crumpled piece of paper hitting the side of my face.

i glanced up to find bianca, wearing a stern expression, asking, "what are you staring at?" her voice carried a mix of neutrality and condescension. she turned to her group of friends, who were giggling and whispering while subtly looking in my direction.

they pointed at me, exchanging playful smiles and side-eye glances across the classroom. with thornhill momentarily stepping out of the room, no teacher witnessed the incident, leaving only the other students who laughed along.

surprisingly, enid and wednesday remained unaffected, their faces unamused.

the group of girls judged my clothing, and i couldn't help but glimpse down at myself, examining my brown flannel shirt layered over a black tank top. i wore black ripped jeans and worn-out boots that had seen better days.

thankfully, a few months before i arrived at nevermore, the school became uniform-free, sparing us from the discomfort of those stiff clothes.

"do you have a problem, twyla?" bianca's voice grew more aggressive.

"yes, actually i do," i replied bluntly, my face betraying no emotion.

i refused to be a doormat for someone else to trample over. being treated like i was nothing more than dirt on the bottom of someone's shoe infuriated me. i had no intention of staying silent and allowing others to walk all over me.

i was willing to speak up, even if it meant getting my hands dirty in the process. standing up for myself was non-negotiable, i would never back down.

"your face is creeping me out. go back to where you came from and continue hugging trees or whatever it is you flower children do," bianca retorted, her tone dripping with condescension. that remark ignited an instant surge of anger within me.

"oh, your ass must be so jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth," i snapped back, locking my gaze with hers, refusing to back down.

bianca was taken aback, her eyes slightly widening in surprise as she struggled to come up with a response. instead of using words to clap back at me, she resorted to her childish antics, crumpling another piece of paper and flicking it at my face without hesitation.

the room erupted in laughter, but i refused to let her petty behavior get under my skin any longer. i wouldn't allow myself to be her entertainment, and i was determined to stand my ground against this self-appointed queen bee.

an overwhelming surge of anger coursed through every fiber of my being, propelling me to rise from my chair with a loud scrape of the legs against the floor, drawing all eyes in the room toward me.

thankfully, we were in thornhill's greenhouse, and this space was under my command, i felt empowered in my realm. focusing my energy, i slowly lifted my wrist, directing the vines of a distant plant behind bianca to grow stronger, thicker, and longer until they wrapped tightly around her torso, rendering her immobile.

"what do you think you're doing?" bianca yelled, struggling to break free from the wrath of my anger. her friends joined in, attempting to free her from the entwined branches, but my grip was unyielding.

✗ | 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘, larissa weems Where stories live. Discover now