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anger surged within me as i shook my head, frustration bubbling up uncontrollably. i rose from my chair and slammed my palms down on the wooden desk, the impact reverberating through the room.

"do your jobs!" i yelled at the three men sitting across from me.

their pristine suits and the cloying scent of expensive aftershave disgusted me, a stark reminder that they seemed more interested in filling their pockets than fulfilling their duties.

"what do you mean you have nothing?" i shouted, my voice echoing through the room.

pne of the men, despite his grown stature, looked terrified, his eyes wide with fear as if he might wet himself at any moment.

the other two exchanged a knowing glance, their silence a clear admission that they had no information to give me about twyla's disappearance.

their fear and incompetence only fueled my rage further.

"i do not pay you thousands of dollars for nothing!" i screamed, slamming my palms against the desk again.

the sharp thud echoed through the room, making the scared one flinch. i furrowed my eyebrows, glaring at him with utter disgust.

how on earth was he a private investigator when he was afraid of his own goddamn shadow?

"principal weems, we sincerely apologize, however—" the black-haired man began, but i raised my hand sharply, silencing him with a firm glare.

"i said find her. find twilight fae cordelia, no matter the cost," i demanded, my voice steely and unwavering.

the use of her formal name sent a pang through my heart, which beat erratically with worry and longing. my soul ached without her, memories of our time together flooding my mind.

my wide eyes fluttered shut as i fought to hold back tears. i sighed deeply, standing up straight and pinching the bridge of my nose, trying to maintain my composure.

the weight of her absence was almost unbearable, and i could feel my willpower wavering as i struggled to keep myself together.

"w-we know that miss cordelia is in greece, on an island called kefalonia," the scared little man stammered, his voice barely audible.

i turned to them, eyebrows knitted in confusion. my face twisted with a mix of disbelief and frustration as i glanced at the other two men, trying to gauge if he was being serious.

"i gave you that information," i replied, my tone flat and cold, patience rapidly dwindling with these unqualified investigators.

their silence only deepened my irritation, and i could feel the heat of my anger rising. the very fact that they were regurgitating what i had already told them was infuriating.

it became clear that these men, with their expensive suits and hollow promises, were not up to the task.

"you're fired," i declared, blinking hard, my voice cold and drained of energy.

i didn't even muster a smile. the three men sat there, seemingly indifferent, as if they were waiting for a paycheck, unfazed by their sudden unemployment.

"get the ever-living fuck out of my office!" i shouted, my anger boiling over as i hurled a stack of paperwork off my large wooden desk. the papers flew through the air, scattering across the floor in a chaotic mess.

startled, they stumbled to their feet, rushing toward the door. the scared one's hand fumbled with the doorknob as they jostled and shoved each other in their haste to escape.

✗ | 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘, larissa weems Where stories live. Discover now