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with a sweet smile lifting my cheeks, i entered larissa's office with a spring in my step, determined to maintain a facade of normalcy despite the burdens weighing heavily on my heart.

tomorrow marked my final day at nevermore, and not a single soul was aware of it. i harbored a silent determination to leave without causing any disruptions or harm to those around me.

my lengthy auburn hair cascaded in a half up half down do, adorned with delicate braids intertwined within the waves.

my pointed ears peeked out from beneath the strands, adding to the ethereal aura. clad in a flowing sage green dress, its cuffs flaring with elegance, i approached larissa's desk with a soft smile.

however, any hope of catching her attention quickly faded as i realized she was engrossed in a mountain of paperwork, her focus unwavering.

despite feeling momentarily overlooked, i brushed it off, recognizing her busy demeanor and the importance of her tasks.

"hey," i greeted with a sweet smile, my cheeks lifting as my eyes crinkled with warmth.

larissa continued flicking through her paperwork, her focus unyielding, a sharp pang hitting me as i realized she was intentionally ignoring me.

"a-are you okay?" i stammered, a wave of anxiety creeping up within me at the sudden tension between us.

larissa's fingers halted against the pages, her gaze slowly traveling up my torso, lingering on my cleavage, before finally meeting my eyes. her expression was cold and firm, as if she were harboring some unspoken resentment toward me.

my breathing hitched softly, my chest rising with each intake of air, feeling the intensity of her stare upon me.

larissa's eyes drifted down, lingering on my cleavage as my lungs expanded against the fabric of my dress. yet, beneath the surface, there was a hint of hurt in her gaze.

my lips parted softly as i watched her eyes soften upon meeting mine once more.

"your suspension papers are sitting in front of me," larissa stated blankly, her voice devoid of any emotion, unable to soften the blow.

my jaw dropped open, shock spreading across my face like wildfire.

"i—wait, what?" i exclaimed, glancing down at her wooden desk where various versions of the same letter were scattered about.

"i've written it fifteen different times, i can't—i can't do this, twyla," larissa's fingers began to separate the papers on her desk, revealing the multiple drafts of the suspension letter.

my eyebrows furrowed in disbelief as i shook my head, at a loss for words, frozen in place.

the sound of larissa's chair rolling against the floorboards as she stood up snapped me out of my daze, and i found myself panting softly, meeting her gaze with wide, glossy eyes, still unable to articulate a response.

"why on earth would you smoke on your balcony with bianca, for multiple students to see from their dorm rooms?" larissa's voice carried a mix of disappointment and anger as she leaned over her desk, her palms pressed against the wooden surface.

"it was weed! it's not like i was smoking crack, larissa," i exclaimed, though i couldn't fathom why that was my immediate defense, especially since it only seemed to deepen her disappointment.

"to be clear, i've never smoked crack," i added, my voice softening as i lowered my chin, absently playing with my fingers.

larissa sighed heavily, her hand moving to her forehead in a gesture of stress. it was evident that she didn't want to suspend me, but her difficult position left her with little choice.

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