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i remained comfortably seated in the booth at the weathervane café, patiently waiting for twyla's return. taking a few sips of my coffee, i aimlessly scrolled through my emails, lazily reading them as i enjoyed a few spare moments of quiet.

growing a bit concerned about twyla's whereabouts, i glanced up and spotted tyler at the counter, busy serving customers, but there was no sign of her.

my eyebrows furrowed in immediate concern as i stood up from the booth. with a mix of anger and worry in my eyes, i approached tyler to inquire about her.

"where is she?" i demanded, my frustration evident as i paid little attention to the line of customers.

tyler's gaze shifted to the booth where twyla and i had been seated earlier, a hint of worry in his expression.

"she's not with you?" he inquired with a puzzled look, but his response didn't quite convince me. i fixed him with an intense stare, narrowing my eyes and tilting my head to the side, silently calling out his bluff.

"do not make me call your father," i warned, my tone laced with anger as i shook my head lightly.

tyler froze in response, his confidence evaporating into a timid state. it baffled me why people even attempted to lie when their inability to do so was so glaringly evident.

"twyla left... i unlocked the back door for her," tyler admitted with a guilty expression, his shoulders slumping slightly.

i let out a heavy sigh and shook my head in disbelief. twyla had run away again, for the second time.

as i processed this, miss thornhill hurried up to the counter, clearly noticing the mix of anger and concern in my eyes. she was eager to know what was causing all the commotion.

"principal weems, is everything alright?" thornhill inquired with a concerned sweetness, her gaze shifting between me and tyler as she sought to understand the situation.

"twyla cordelia has taken off," i sighed heavily, my voice tinged with stress as i explained the situation to miss thornhill.

"again?" thornhill's eyes widened ever so slightly as she cast a meaningful glance at tyler, clearly wanting him to provide an explanation for his involvement in the situation.

"what did she say exactly? did twyla mention anything about where she was going?" i pressed tyler with a firm tone, my concern for twyla growing stronger.

there was something in her eyes that made me believe she was trapped within herself, and i needed to gather every piece of information to figure out where she might have gone.

"twyla helped me out with the plant, and then she said she needed to get away... from you," tyler's voice trembled as he hesitated, clearly nervous to reveal the last part. i couldn't help but roll my eyes in frustration at the situation.

"christ," i muttered, my hand instinctively reaching up to rub my forehead in a gesture of stress. i was genuinely concerned about twyla's well-being.

had i pushed her too hard? did i make her feel cornered? my gaze shifted down to miss thornhill, my determination to find twyla now evident in my eyes.

"marilyn, go find her. don't return until you've located her," i commanded firmly, making it clear that this was a priority. miss thornhill quickly scurried out of the weathervane, off to fulfill her task.


i lay on a sturdy branch high up in a tree, my back against the rough bark, legs dangling lazily as i gazed upwards at the expanse of brilliant blue sky. the vibrant hues spread like a canvas, decorated with fluffy, cotton-like clouds drifting by at their leisurely pace.

✗ | 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘, larissa weems Where stories live. Discover now