Chapter 1

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Setting: New York City, Nighttime

Year: 1992

The blaring sound of police sirens filled the streets of New York City as police cars drove past the alleyways. Few close to running over the homeless, regardless they kept on driving without any concern whatsoever toward the less fortunate.

Homeless man#1: Asshole!!!

Homeless man# 2: Hey chill, they ain't worth it.

The less fortunate are pushed around and treated like shit, with very few people showing empathy. Upholding the law has lost all of its meaning, though there's one exception.

"You okay? Here let me help you two up" A man wearing a black suit helps the two homeless up to their feet.

Homeless man #1: Thanks (Y/N).

Homeless man #2: Yeah, thanks. Nice to know you're not like them seeing as you're part of the force.

(Y/N): It's nothing really, I'm only doing the right thing. You guys would've done the same for me, unlike my co-workers *hands money* Here, I understand how hard it is for you.

Homeless man #1: Woah kid, we appreciate the gesture. But it's your money, you keep it.

(Y/N) groans and hands it to them before walking away.

(Y/N): I'm not a kid, I'm 22-Years-Old. Sure I still like cartoons, anime, toys.......shut up, I'm a kid at heart. There's nothing wrong with that!!!

(Y/N) embarrassingly heads out, leaving the two homeless men chuckling to themselves.

Homeless man #2: *chuckles* Never change (Y/N).

(Y/N) makes his way towards the trashcan bonfire, where he spots some close friends, Erik and Bobby, giving the two a wave.

(Y/N): Bobby, Erik have you two seen Al?

Erik: Al? Knowing him, he's likely off at the skyscrapers looking down at the city. He left a while ago. Say how about you join us (Y/N)? Bobby got his hands on some booze.

(Y/N): I'll pass this time Bobby, maybe next time.

Bobby: suit yourself (Y/N)

Bidding goodbyes to them, (Y/N) climbs up a rooftop and sees an all too familiar figure wearing a red cape. His gaze at the city watching civilians go about their day.

"Thinking about your past life?" (Y/N) said breaking the silence and approached the cloaked figure, taking a seat next to him. There was a moment of silence until Al spoke up "Don't you have work that needs to be done?" He said in his usual grim tone. (Y/N) gaze shifted towards him "Not really, after the incident in that facility I got suspended from work" (Y/N) said and switched his gaze to the city "I don't really care though. I was always interested in making weapons rather than being a detective." There was another moment of silence until (Y/N) spoke up again "Detective or not, I'll still help you Al I-" (Y/N) was cut off "You don't have to get involved, these are my problems, not yours. I'll find out who killed me and make them suffer for taking away my humanity." Al said "Regardless, I still want to help. You remember the first time we met, right? Had it not been for you, I would be dead. As thanks for saving me, I'll help you out. We're friends right?" (Y/N) said but didn't get a reply "It's getting late, I should get going. Bye, Al. Talk to you tomorrow." He said and climbs down the ladder. "Take care." Al said under his breath.

(Y/N) went back to his apartment. There he slumps on the couch and turns on the TV, putting on some Dragon Ball. (Y/N) leans his head back sighing tiredly as his eyes felt heavy. He soon found himself sleeping with the TV on. Unbeknownst to him, a dark fog starts engulfing his room. Once the fog cleared up, (Y/N) was gone.

Midwich Elementary School:

(Y/N) was sleeping soundly on a desk, unaware of his surroundings. The sudden sound of sirens blaring from the speakers woke him up.

(Y/N): *drowsy* H-huh? Where am I?

(Y/N) rubs his eyes and gets out of his seat to get a glimpse of his surroundings.

(Y/N): *shaking his head*School? My worst nightmare.

(Y/N) exits the classroom and goes off to explore.

(Y/N): Al, you here? *thinking* Okay, I've seen enough horror movies to know giving away your location is on the list of dumbest decisions in horror movies. So I better shut the fuck up and proceed with caution.

(Y/N) reaches for his holster containing his gun, only to feel nothing. (Y/N) quickly looks down to see his gun gone. A sense of anxiety slowly begins building up inside of him. His sense of worry is interrupted seeing a figure immediately enter a locker from the other side of the hall.

(Y/N): Finally some company.

The former detective makes his way to the room, where he spotted the figure enter. (Y/N) made his way to the locker "Excuse me, do you know where I'm at? I have no idea what's going on." (Y/N) said "You're in the entity's realm. You have to hide before they come." A feminine voice shakily said. From the sound of it, she's scared. But from what though? "Whatever it is, it's going to be okay. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I'm a detective or rather a former detective. Look I may not know who we're up against, but whoever it is I promise to protect you." (Y/N) opens the locker halfway and takes hold of the woman's hand "Trust me, I would never let anyone harm you." (Y/N) said softly. The tone of his voice reminded the woman of someone from her past. Grudgingly, the locker opens, and out comes a blonde nurse, looking timid. In (Y/N)'s eyes, she was beautiful. His thoughts are interrupted as the nurse hugs him. This action caused (Y/N) to blush "Uhhh, you okay there se- I mean Miss? I wasn't expecting the hug, not that I mind." (Y/N) calms himself, though it was a bit challenging. It's not every day a beautiful nurse hugs someone out of the blue. The nurse soon separates from the hug, much to (Y/N)'s disappointment. "Sorry about that, I needed some comfort." Lisa looks away sheepishly "Oh no you're okay, I don't mind hugs." (Y/N) said as he enveloped Lisa in a hug. Lisa was shocked at first but buried herself on (Y/N)'s chest. She felt all her fears and worries slowly going away. The sweet moment was interrupted by the sound of a sword scraping against the floor. On instinct, (Y/N) leads Lisa toward a window. Allowing Lisa to vault first, (Y/N) vaults after her. (Y/N) held Lisa close and covers her mouth as a tall figure wielding a great sword entered the classroom. With what looks to be a pyramid on his head?

 With what looks to be a pyramid on his head?

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"Lisa follow me." (Y/N) whispers to her as Lisa nodded fearfully. Taking Lisa's hand, (Y/N) leads her down the steps of the elementary school "Just what in the hell did I get myself into." (Y/N) muttered to himself as he leads Lisa to safety.

And that is it, the first chapter. This is my first story, BTW. So I don't know what I'm doing. I would like to hear your thoughts. Tell me what you think. I decided to add Spawn in the beginning. He was awesome in MK11 and you gotta love his theme, it's badass.

(Light in this Hellish World) Lisa Garland x Male Reader | Dead By DaylightWhere stories live. Discover now