4. Mastermind

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Bad Idea Right / Otto HIghtower / Larys Strong out now!
The story of us / Daemon/ Rhaenyra / Avalon Targaryen out now!

"You let Rhaenyra show you up?" Regina sassed. 

"She has a dragon, Regina." Otto reminded her. 

"Yeah and you were supposed to-"

"I got the egg back." 

"Rhaenyra did from what I heard. I also heard Daemon made some threats and-"

"Regina its over." 

"It's not over until I get my crown." Regina corrected. 


''Good morrow, my lords." Viserys said as he approached his council. "I have decided to take a new wife. I intend to marry..." Viserys looked around the council. "the Lady Regina Hightower before moon's end." Otto smiled victoriously while Regina brought a hand to her heart. Victory.

"This is an absurdity. My house is Valyrian, the greatest power in the realm." Corlys exclaimed.

"And I am your King."  Viserys corrected. Rhaenyra didnt really know Regina, she was Alicent's aunt, she was close with her brother and now apparently Rhaenyra's father. 


Viserys wanted to move things along quickly, he had everyone working around the clock, Regina had chambers in the castle, the biggest of chambers, she was to be the queen after all. 

Regina squealed with delight as she tried on dresses, put on her jewelry, they styled her hair. She felt like a princess, she was going to be the queen. 

Otto knocked on her door and she was singing, a bird appeared in the window and she mirrored his little tweet with a whistle. Otto chuckled moving closer to her. She spun around her dress spinning around her. 

"Oh Otto I dont think I have ever been happier!" Regina declared. 

"You look happy, Gina," Otto agreed. "I'm glad, you really do like him."

"I do. "Regina agreed. 

"Auntie you look beautiful!" Alicent declared coming in. 

"Thank you honey," Regina wrapped her arms around Alicent. 

"Like a princess." Alicent added. 

"She is going to be the queen." Otto corrected. 

"I feel-" She clenched her hands together in front of herself. "-Great." Regina remarked letting her hands fall to her sides. "This is it, I feel something magical coming our way." Regina decided. She toasted with Alicent, Otto and her nephew Gawayne. To their future, to their new queen, to House Hightower. 

Viserys never expected to be marrying again, he didnt think he wanted to but as the doors opened and Regina was revealed at the end of the sept, all eyes shifted to Regina as they rose up. She was a sight to behold. 

Visers was sure that Regina was the fairest of them all. 

"You ready, my queen?" Otto questioned as he walked his little sister down the aisle. 

"I've been ready my whole life for this, I swear it Otto." Regina remarked. "I feel something magical coming, I can't explain it." 

"I hope you right." Otto remarked softly before handing her off to viserys. 

Regina didnt remember the vows she was so nervous, a nervous excitement filled her as she repeated the words, as viserys held to her hand, as he cloaked her, as he crowned her, his queen. The weight of the crown, it was Davina's crown. Maegor the cruel's wife, Queen Davina's crown. 

Regina smiled touching her now bejeweled head. She looked into his eyes, a lavender haze before her. The deep maroon of the Targaryen banners around her, the Hightower greens blooming like a garden in the night of a midnight rain. 

Otto had a smirk on his face that made Regina think he was up to some vigilante shit but she tried to brush it off. Her brothers could behave for a night or else they would have karma like no other coming for them. 

Otto felt like a mastermind, he thought he had everything planned out. the palace was a labyrinth that Otto had thought he had long figured out and now with his blood on the throne, his sister married, he felt himself tearing up, it just hit different now that the day was here. 

There was no question in Regina's mind as Viserys leaned in whispering sweet nothings of his beautiful queen in her ear as the people cheered out that she was born to be queen. 

Regina looked to Viserys and kissed him again, her king, her husband. It was hard to rationalize that she was queen, that she had seven kingdoms under her control. She wasnt going to be like Aemma, she was going to be apart of running the castle, a part of ruling not just sitting back. She was ready to take over but first she needed an heir. 

Viserys panted out as Regina pulled her lips from his. He kept his hands on her hips as she purred in his ear. 

"Lets go make a baby." 

He didnt need to be told twice.

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