29. Della

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Many many years ago

Della Waters pissed off the wrong people. Being a bastard she was used to disappointment and disappointing others. She was good at it but she thought herself worthy of someone elses man and they didnt much like that.

She kissed a handsome boy and got her hair yanked back flying to the ground.

"You dont know who you messed with bitch!" The woman said.

"Bimbo blondes first time in the hood?" Della countered.

"You're a dead girl coming after my man."

"He seemed to like my tongue just fine." Della countered.

"Dead girl," the woman hissed. The boy however winked back at Della.

That night however after she fell asleep it was the deepest sleep of her life she had a dream. That boy she was kissing was there. Then those awful girls that thought themselves better than her appeared.

"Whos the fairest of them all bitch?" They questioned. "Its certainly not you. May you be forced to look upon everyone elses beauty beside your own." Della didn't understand she felt a pinch and then it was like she was walking through  a sheet of rain. Her body tingled her eyes shot open and confusion filled her.

"Hello?" Della shouted.  "No no no!" Della woke up banging on some sort of glass she was trapped. A which appeared before her and cackled out.

"You did this so yourself girl. You pissed off the wrong family. Dont you know the Arryns have witches on their side."

"Get me out of here!" Della demanded.

"Oh no my dear stupid girl. You are stuck in there until the last of the line dies out," the witch corrected tapping the mirror and making her disappear into darkness.

"How do I end their stupid line!" Della demanded. "If I cant get out to kill them!" She banged and banged uselessly but the witch appeared pulling back a curtain.

"Just like the Arryns did to you. Get someone else to do your dirty work."

"Then im free?" Della questioned

"You idiotic little girl. You really think you can seduce someone into murder from that little mirror?"

"Yes." Della answered.

Della, no Regina walked down the halls. She was Regina now. She was the queen. The echoes of the princess is dead rang out. She needed to kill the king. Aegon would be named heir and she would rule over westeros until aegon came of age. Everything was going according to plan. Those lousy Arryns had it coming. Now the world was hers.

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