27. Believe Me

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Is it over now? Ned Stark out now!
Regina couldnt sleep. Viserys slept soundly beside her but reginas mind was racing when she heard a knock at the door.

Viserys grumbled beside her. She kissed his cheek as he got up. He put on his dressing robe as another knock sounded.

'Come. What is it?' Viserys answered groggily.

'I apologize for the early hour, Your Grace. I have, um... discomforting news. I thought it best shared discreetly before the council convenes.' Otto told Viserys. Viserys sighed but nodded 'The Sea Snake. I'm afraid it concerns the Princess, my King.'

'Has she been harmed?'

Regina sat up in bed. Rhaenyra was dead? She was dead and regina didnt have to do anything the prophecy wasnt going to happen because daemon got rhaenyra killed last night. Daemon was her downfall. Daemon was rhaenyras downfall. The mirror was wrong. Surely daemon was involved.

'It is no easy thing to tell a father of his daughter's exploits. I had considered saying nothing, but...' Otto said hesitantly.

'What has she done?' Viserys demanded

'The Princess was spied last evening... beyond the walls of the Keep... in a pleasure house.' Otto told him.

'What of it?'

Damnit. Not dead just an idiot. Regina lay back down. Rhaenyra was still her doom. Her downfall. The mirror was right. But rhaenyra was digging her own grave.

'She was carrying on with her uncle. They were engaged in behaviors unbecoming of a maiden... of a Princess.' Otto informed him.

'What behaviors?'

'Well, must I say it, Your Grace?'

'You enter my bedchamber, accusing my daughter of something. Now speak it... plainly.' Viserys demanded.

If rhaenyra could get herself disowned then regina would be free. Thats the thought that crossed her mind as she prayed viserys and surely otto thought the same. Rhaenyra had ruined herself.

'Daemon and Rhaenyra were seen together... in the bowels of a pleasure den.' Otto told him and Viserys sighed deeply, Daemon was a thorn in his side. 'Coupling.'

'This is a lie.' Viserys told him with a chuckle, Rhaenyra would never. 'You have been lied to.'

'I only wish that were true, Your Grace.'

Viserys wouldnt listen. Rhaenyra was his first born. Regina had to get him to see that rhaenyra needed to be cast aside. It was the only way she could live they all could live.

'Who is responsible for this gossip? Have this rumormonger brought before me at once. And I will take their eyes.' Viserys told him confidently.

'As your Hand, I must maintain trusted sources of information. And this one, as yet, has never led me astray. And several of the servants have now admitted to seeing her, the Princess... creeping through the gates from King's Landing, disguised as a page during the hour of the owl.' Otto told him victoriously.

Please please please regina wanted to beg. Believe otto he wouldnt lie to you. Believe him and spare me the pain of having to do somethjng unthinkable.

'Are you so sick with ambition that you would have my daughter stalked? Spied upon? Awaiting your best chance to destroy her reputation?' Viserys questioned defensively

'I have no such intent, Your Grace.'

"Otto is a good man. A loyal man." Regina finally cut in. Viserys shook his head slightly.

'You think yourself a cunning man. Your designs are obvious. Do you wish to have your blood on the Iron Throne so badly that you are willing to destroy mine own? Just get out. Leave me... at once.'

This was it, the beginning of the end, the mirror warned her about this. The mirror wanted her to know to protect her and Regina didnt listen.

'What happened last night?' Alicent questioned when Rhaenyra found her

'What do you mean?'

'My father has made some worrying allegations about you. Were you with your uncle?'

'Oh, I...' Rhaenyra couldn't help but chuckle. 'I haven't seen him in years. He took me into the city for some fun.'

'Tell me the whole of it, Rhaenyra.' Alicent begged. "Im your best friend."

'Your father accused me of something. That I drank wine? Left the castle after dark?' Rhaenyra mused

'That you fսckеd Daemon in a pleasure house.' Alicent corrected. "My aunt told me what they spoke of. You know what this means-"

'This is a vile accusation.' Rhaenyra shouted back

'Is it? You Targaryen's do have queer customs. And Daemon certainly knows no limit.' Alicnet murmured.

'Alicent you must know I would, I would never. You cannot believe such gossip.' Rhaenyra countered

'My father is no gossip.'

'Well, certainly he's been misled. He could not have witnessed such a thing.'

'Why not?' Alicent retorted.

'Because it did not happen.' Rhaenyra demanded. 'I am the Princess. To... To question my virtue is an act of treason.'

'Dont shout at me Rhaenyra I only want to help you, Rhaenyra.' Alicent assured. "Regina only wants to help that was why she told me." Regina told many people out of concern of course. Concern for the princesses state of mind and body. If she was tainted she was ruined the more people that said such things the more the word spread the less viserys could ignore it.

'Okay, we... we drank in a tavern. Several... taverns.' Rhaenyra admitted 'It was getting late... and I asked to go home. But Daemon wished to continue. As he was my escort, I had no real choice.' Rhaenyra lied.

"Continue" Alicent shouted '... in a brоthеl? Rhaenyra you should have known better!'

'He took me to a show. I... I was only a spectator. I didn't do anything.' Rhaenyra assured 'And then Daemon sank into his cups and, uh... abandoned me for some whοre. I should've known better.'

'So you did not?'

'Must I truly refute that? Daemon never touched me. Okay, I swear this to you upon the memory of my mother.' Rhaenyra told her defensively.

'It was foolish of you to place yourself in a position where your virtue could even come into question." Alicent reminded her. "The King has strived to find you a good match. And so has my aunt regina. If that lord were to think that you had been... sullied... it would ruin everything.' Alicent reminded her. Regina wanted it to ruin everything. Hoped it would. If rhaenyra was dumb enough to put herself in such position then so be it. Regina was going to take advantage of it.

'I know Alicent. I regret it.' Rhaenyra regret nothing.

Regina paced the mirror chuckled.

"I warned you. Yet still the king chose her over-"

"Hendidnt choose her over me. He just chose to believe her." Regina corrected. "Hes not thinking rationally its his daughter."

"You are his wife. Rhaenyra will kill you and your children and its almost too late. Dont you see that?" The mirror shouted. "Its almost too late your line will die. Her line will grow and I..."


"I want to help. I have seen many things. Your downfall comes as long as rhaenyra lives. Believe me. I beg you. Believe me!"

Mirror, Mirror /  Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now