8. Prophet

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Viserys kissed along Regina's shoulder and she smiled leaning back into him.

"A boy you say?" Viserys questioned.

"I have a good feeling about this Viserys." Regina agreed.

"I hope you are right." Viserys agreed.

Me too, Regina thought hopefully. This would be the real sign if the mirror held the power to know the future. If Regina had a boy.

"Viserys for names what were you thinking?" Regina pondered.

"Its silly but I had a dream many moons ago that I would have a son wearing aegons crown." Viserys remarked. Regina liked the sound of that. "If we have a son. I want to name him Aegon." Regina leaned into viserys. The mirror was half right so far. Now all she needed was an heir. Then she would know for sure that the mirror could see into the future.

"What do you think my love?" Viserys questioned kissing her cheek.

"I think Aegon is a perfect name for our little future leader." Regina agreed. "I think its a boy, I would love a little boy."

"She prophesied a son?" Larys whispered over tea. Regina nodded.

"Said viserys would name him aegon too and I asked viserys and guess what he wants to name the babe if its a boy?"

"When its a boy." Larys corrected.

"When its a boy." Regina agreed. "Aegon will be his name." Larys moved to the mirror touching it. It only showed his reflection.

"I was reading up on magic and sorcery..." larys admitted. "Some say the mirror such as this is a woman or man some being trapped inside destined to live out their eternity entrapped." Larys remarked and he saw a glimmer of the mirror shift slightly.

"Thats awful," regina remarked. "But how would she know the future if she was just a person once. Imprisonment." Larys shrugged.

"Just one theory," larys offered.

"You havent told anyone have you?" Regina questioned.

"No of course not." Larys assured.

"Wouldnt want anyone thinking im crazy." Refina remarked.

"You are not a prophet your grace. Might I remind you as I did before with Queen Aemma we have no way to know the gender of the baby." The Maester reminded him.

"Regina thinks so to though. She is very confident." Viserys remarked proudly.

Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. It was the heir's tournament all over again. She was feeling useless and inadequate. Everyone was forgetting about her. They had a new queen. Had a new heir on the way. Rhaenyra was once again becoming obsolete. She was the heir but how long would that last? With what her father and new step mother were deeming to be a son in the queens womb.

Regina looked so happy. So in love. Rhaenyra was glad her father was happy. She loved her father but she wished he didnt move on so easily.

"Rhaenyra?" Alicent questioned. Rhaenyra pulled her gaze from the book she wasnt even reading. "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing." Rhaenyra murmured.

"You can talk to me." Alicent reminded her. "We are cousins now." Alicent added happily.

"Your aunt has been good to my father. He seems happy." Rhaenyra offered.

"Oh aunt regina loves the king. She lights up when he walks in the room. She is really in love. Im so happy for her. She has always want a big family. Lots of children." Alicent went on. "But she didnt find that right man. Im glad she found it in the king." Rhaenyra nodded slowly. Alicent was right. Regina was a woman grown. She wasnt a child. She wasnt trying to manipulate viserys. Regina really loved viserys.

" just weird I suppose having a new stepmother."

" trust me, my aunt is the best person to have as family. She's going to be your biggest supporter. I just know it." Alicent assured her.

" my biggest supporter? Do you think she will give up her crown when the time comes?" Rhaenyra pondered. Regina certainly like looking at herself in the mirror. Seemed like a vain woman. Always talking to her reflection.

" my aunt Regina is the sweetest thing ever!" Alicent declared. " I know you haven't spent much time with her since she's been busy getting to know her husband and then with the news of the baby!" she added happily, she was going to have a little cousin. A prince, or princess would be her cousin. " I want you to know where to really know where you're going to love her just as much as I do, I know you will."

" do you believe me?" the mirror questioned.

" I suppose I half believe you." Regina countered honestly. " I believe you are magical. Clearly, I'm talking to a mirror that is magical. And I talked to viserys and he told me what he wanted to name our son. Aegon. But I don't know that I'm having a so  yet."

" and when you do?" the mirror said ominously as she leaned in looking Regina over.

" well, than I suppose, I'm inclined to believe that you truly can see into the future." Regina agreed.

" and will you heed my warnings about your future? You will vanquish your enemies to stay on top?" The mirror pondered pacing in her tiny golden frame.

" I don't know about vanquish, but if your predictions come true, then I will do everything I can to keep my family safe."

Mirror, Mirror /  Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now