6. Magic

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"Are you saying your prayers for a nephew?" Regina questioned coming up to her brother. 

"Yes." Otto admitted. 

"It will be a boy. I know it." Regina assured. "he's strong already." 

"he's a peanut." Otto remarked looking to Regina's still flat stomach. 

"I'm late and I'm calling it now, a boy." Regina remarked. 

"Good, we need the king to have a real heir." 

"I know." Regina agreed. 

"The realms will rejoice." 

"I know." Regina assured. 

"There is my glowing wife!" Viserys declared, Regina smiled back at him. 

"Hello husband," Regina coed as Viserys kissed her bringing a hand to her stomach. Otto looked away, Viserys kissing his sister, anyone kissing his little sister was disgusting even as a grown ass man. 

"How are you feeling today? I know the first few moons can be hard." Viserys recalled. 

"I feel great." Regina assured. "I have a little dragon growing inside me." Viserys chuckled pulling her closer. 

"I asked around about that mirror you adore so much," Viserys remarked between kisses. 

"Oh? And?" Regina questioned. 

"I found the card." Viserys remarked. "I left it in your chambers."

"Thank you Viserys." Regina declared her hand trailing down his chest. 

"Of course." Viserys agreed tilting her face to him, brushing his lips against her soft skin. 

"What mirror?" Otto countered and Regina pulled back from Viserys just slightly. 

"It's beautiful, I will show you." Regina declared. "Viserys, I will see you for supper, right?" Regina questioned. 

"Wouldn't miss it." Viserys agreed. She locked arms with Otto as they walked. 

"Special mirror?" Otto pondered. She turned to him a big smile on her face. 

"It's... amazing! Can I show you something? Its... crazy and you can't tell anyone but its amazing." Regina admitted grabbing his hand and pulling him into her chambers. She read over the note and it didnt have a signature. "Damnit." Regina murmured.  "Okay, first off, do you know who got me this mirror?"  she moved to it gesturing dramatically to it. 

"No. It's stunning though." Otto admitted touching the frame. 

"Its magical." Regina corrected. "Watch." Otto rose a brow confused but he watched. "MIrror, mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all?" 

"Wow Gina," Otto laughed out. 

"Shut up, its how the mirror works." Regina corrected. 

"It tells you what you want to hear?" Otto countered. 

"It tells me the future." Regina corrected. 

"Magic? Come on Regina. Magic isnt real." Otto corrected. 

"I didnt believe either until it talked back to me." Regina remarked touching the mirror. "Come on out, dont be shy, this is my brother..." Still nothing just a mirror. "You are making me look bad MIRROR!" 

"Regina, are you alright?" Otto questioned bringing a hand to her forehead. "You are a bit warm." 

"I'm fine," Regina corrected. "It's the mirror, she's being difficult!"

"Regina, do you need a maester? Are you seeing things? I have heard that during some pregnancies woman experience hallucinations-" Otto remarked. 

"No, I'm not... I..." Regina's words trailed off as she stared back at her reflection. "Could she have been imaging things?  "You are probably right." Regina offered after a moment. "I was over tired and... must have been talking to myself." Otto pressed a kiss to her temple and her shoulders slumped, her face turning down, she really thought she saw something but why wasnt she coming out now?

"Why don't you get some rest and I will get a maester to examine you?" Otto suggested. 

"No maester. I will just... tea and a book to clear my mind." Regina assured. 

"Are you sure Regina?"

"Yeah, you were right I was just being silly. I dont know what I was thinking. Dont need the realms thinking I'm a loon." Regina offered. "I'm okay Otto, just tired I suppose."

"I'm going to stay and read with you then." Otto suggested. 

"No, you dont have to, I'm sure you have better things to do than babysit me." Regina remarked. 

"I used to do it when you were little." Otto remarked. "Watch you while our parents were gone." Regina chuckled. 

"I remember you sneaking out with Katarina," Regina corrected. 

"She always wanted to bring you with." Otto remarked. 

"Hypothetical-" Regina offered pacing her room. "If you could- if magic was real hypothetically that is- would you bring Katarina back to life?" Regina questioned. 

"She wouldnt be the same person, death changes people." Otto reminded her. 

"I suppose so but she was the mother of your children, the love of your life... if magic was real dont you think there could be ways to.... bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. Bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper... in death."

"Dont go dabbling in witchcraft Regina." Otto corrected. "It never ends well." 

"Just a thought." 

"Dont think such ways, witches are burned and you are not fireproof." Otto corrected. "Please tell me you won't mess with magic of any kind Regina." 

"It was just a hypothetical." Regina reminded him. Her gaze shifted over his shoulder to the mirror and her mirror self smirked back at her, winking before fading away. Otto spun around staring back at the mirror. 

"What are you looking at?" Otto questioned. 

"Just thinking of a good spot for a cradle." Regina offered. "I know its early but I'm excited to be a mother. A mother's magic is like no other." 

Mirror, Mirror /  Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now