10. Strike

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Regina loved being a mother. Aegon was perfection. Viserys was the ever doting husband and dutiful king. Regina was the image of elegance grace and beauty.

"I told you." The mirror began. Regina nodded but her focus was on Aegon, not the mirror. He fed from her and she ran a hand over his little head. "Now onto more important matters-"

"Aegon is the only important thing." Regina corrected. "Thank you for your prophecy mirror but I dont want to focus on the future yet. I want to live in the present." Regina informed her. THe mirror groaned disapprovingly and disappeared from the mirror, it reflected the wall it faced instead. Regina nodded looking to Aegon as big violet eyes stared up at her. 

"Hello my perfect baby boy." Regina coed down to him. Otto and Viserys knocked on the door and she quickly covered herself. 

"COME IN!" She called out. Viserys moved to her swiftly and kissed her cheek. "Hi honey." 

"My beautiful wife." Viserys answered he sat beside her and smiled down at Aegon. "My son." Viserys couldnt get over it. He had a son. Had he made a mistake in naming Rhaenyra when it was clear that through generations men had ruled the kingdoms, would the realms truly ever accept Rhaenyra? Should he changed his mind? Viserys shook the thought away remembering that Aegon was just a newborn babe. A moon old. He was perfection. He wasnt ready to be leading anything yet. Just a boy, he got to live his life. Viserys kissed Regina again and she leaned into him, a tired but content smile on her face. 

"For the babe." Otto remarked sitting on the edge of the coffee table before her. Regina reached out for the little green outfit for Aegon. 

"Ohh, Otto its perfect!" Regina declared touching the little hightower emblem. "Thank you." 

"For our future little ruler." Otto whispered kissing her opposite cheek away from viserys. Regina chuckled softly. 

"Yes thank you Otto." Viserys agreed. "Very kind." 

"I still feel like I have to pinch myself sometimes to remember this is all real." Regina remarked. "I have wanted a family for ages. I have wanted a husband to which I love-" Regina touched Viserys cheek. "A child to call my own." She smiled down at Aegon. "I had more pictured myself in a little house of cottage by the water not a castle but," Regina shrugged. "We will make due." Viserys laughed kissing her shoulder. "I'm just so happy. I dont think I could ever be happier." 

MIrror, mirror on the wall, Regina knew the answer to this one. Who is the happiest of them all? 

Not the mirror that was who. The mirror was pissed. Yes everything would be fine and dandy now but Rhaenyra would become a problem a big bad problem. Rhaenyra would take everything that made Regina the happiest woman in the world now, down the road when Regina had more to lose. Why couldnt that ungrateful bitch take the mirrors warnings more seriously? THe mirror appeared for a brief moment hearing their laughter. 

"Foolish Unfortunate souls." She whispered before disappearing again. Otto turned his head at the sound expecting to see a hand maiden but saw nothing and no one. Regina didnt hear the mirror, she was to focused on the goodness and light before her. 


Regina woke with kisses and screams. They were in viserys chambers, no mirror to intrude on them. NOt that regina had thought twice about the mirror since their last talk. She had Aegon to worry about. Viserys kissed her neck and shoulder and Aegon whined out ready for his third middle of the night meal. 

Regina woke rubbing the sleep from her eyes and picking aegon up. He sighed happily and she stumbled back to bed. 

"He has quite the appetite." Regina remarked stroking a hand over his back as her eyes settled shut again. 

"He can't get enough of you, just like i can't get enough of you." Viserys agreed softly. 

Regina smiled turning her head to kiss him. Viserys was the ever doting husband and father. He loved Aegon. Regina loved her boys. She loved that Alicent was keeping Rhaenyra away. Regina didnt want to have to think about the mirrors warning so the more rhaenyra kept her distance the better. 

Alicent knew that Rhaenyra was upset that a son was born, each moon Aegon grew Rhaenyra got more agitated. He was a child, a baby, but he was a son, a true heir. Everyone was already whispering it. Hell the queen as well. 

Rhaenyra didnt realize that distancing herself from Regina had further solidified in Regina's mind that the mirror was right. Rhaenyra would strike against them one day. 

Mirror, Mirror /  Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now