16. Impasse

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Take You Back/ Gwayne Hightower / Davina Targaryen out now!!

Regina loved these peaceful moments alone with her husband, loved their naked bodies pressed up against each other in the early hours of the morning. Loved when it was them and no one else. 

She loved how viserys held her, loved how he breathed her in, she wondered -rarely, but sometimes it crept into her mind- if he was like this with Aemma of it she was truly his great love story. Regina liked to think he loved her differently than he loved Aemma. They his actions were not reused because for her, this was all new. Falling in love, a family. 

No man had ever caught her eye it was like her heart knew it was waiting out for Viserys. 

Regina pulled herself away begrudgingly from Viserys cozy grasp to check on Aegon. He was still fast asleep. Regina moved to get ready after kissing Aegon's little head gingerly. 

"Mirror, mirror." Regina remarked. "Who's the fairest of them all?" she mused, she fixed her hair in the mirror as the mirror image appeared before her. "Oh hello there." 

"You are pregnant again... congratulations." The mirror remarked stiffly as she began pacing back and forth. 

"I am?" Regina questioned. SHe put a hand to her stomach, she felt a little nauseous but that was nothing a cup of ginger tea wouldnt help. Could she really be?

"It's time." The mirror agreed. "You are late are you not?"

"I... I... I think I am." Regina admitted. "Another boy? Or a little girl? I would like another boy, Aegon is-" 

"Another boy." the mirror agreed cutting her off. 

"Oh! Really!" Regina squealed. "Aegon is so precious and-"

"Yes, yes, but your time is running out. Rhaenyra will become more powerful once her uncle returns, her ammunition against you will grow and soon she will be unstoppable." 

"You didnt see her with viserys. He was so good, he stood up for me, he will stand up for Aegon when the time comes." Regina countered.

"He won't." The mirror hissed. 

"Do you know that for sure? No matter what I do and say now with Viserys, it wont change the future?" Regina countered. 

"It won't change a damn thing." The mirror assured. "WHy do you doubt me?" 

"I... well... I dont." Regina countered softly. 

"Then do as I say and get rid of her!" She demanded her frame shaking on the wall. 

"I'm not a killer." Regina countered. 

"No you are weak." The mirror agreed locking eyes with her. "You are weak and because you are weak-"

"Stop saying that. I am not." Regina countered. 

"Your son will die, Your children will be put in danger because you dont have a backbone to end this!" The mirror demanded. 

"Reluctance to kill is not a weakness!" Regina demanded. "Viserys loves his daughter. He is a good man. I just need to send her away, get rid of her, in a humane way." She added. "She can't hurt me if she is far away." 

"The king saw a maester just yesterday, did he not?" Regina hesitated. "Because he is sick, he got a leeching." 

"He did." Regina admitted. "But the leechings are helping the maester said so himself." 

"They are not." The mirror corrected. 

"Do you know what is wrong with Viserys?" Regina questioned. The mirror shrugged as if this wasnt weighing heavy on Regina's shoulders. "If viserys lives a long life, then I need not worry about Rhaenyra taking power. Aegon will grow and he will see that she is not worthy and Aegon will make a good king. But if he is sick, if he dies... I dont want him to die. I love him." Regina begged. "If you know something that can help-"

"You wont listen to me either way." The mirror corrected. "No matter what, he will choose Rhaenyra over-"

"It is you that is not listening to me!" Regina demanded. "Viserys loves me and Aegon he will do whats right when the time comes." Regina assured. "Now tell me how to fix him!" 

"There is no fixing him, things will only get worse." 

"Liar." Regina hissed slapping a hand against the mirror, the mirror image stumbled inside her prison. "Tell me!" 

"Kill Rhaenyra and I might." She countered once she got her bearings. 

"Tell me and I might kill her!" Regina countered. The mirror chuckled. 

"We are at an impasse." She realized. 

"We are." Regina agreed. 

"You see it is not my life in the balance, it is yours." she reminded REgina. "It is you that has more to lose the longer you wait."

"Regina?" She spun around. "My love is someone in here? I heard shouting." Viserys remarked and she ran to him hugging him tight. 

"You are okay, right Viserys? I know the maesters-"

"They say I'm healing nicely." Viserys offered. 

"But... are they sure?" Regina whimpered. 

"Whats this about my dear?" Viserys questioned. 

"I love you, I just love you so much and I want you around for a long time and... well are the maesters sure the leeching's are doing a good enough job?" Regina questioned. 

"We have the very best maesters my love. I feel fine." Viserys assured. "Come, let us break our fast together before the day really gets started." Viserys suggested taking her hand in his. 

Mirror, Mirror /  Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now