11. Grown Up Play Time

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Eyes open / Ned Stark / Oberyn Martell out now!
Shameless / Sandor Clegane out now!

"Aegon is down for a nap." Regina remarked moving to Viserys. 

"Is it play time?" Viserys mused wrapping his hands around her, she nodded kissing him. 

"What shall we do?" she pulled back moving to his figurines and he shook his head. 

"I was thinking something a bit more...." 

"More." Regina agreed. "What did you have in mind my dearest?" 

"Well lets see..." Viserys pretended to ponder it as he moved around her. "I'd fuck you soft," he whispered, his words caressing her ear. "I'd push my cock in slowly so I could memorize the feel of every inch inside your cunt. I'd hold your legs wide, so I could watch your swollen, wet cunt stretch to take all of me while I eased in and out. You'd beg me for more, but I'd barely touch your clit—" Regina liked a dominant Viserys. She liked that feral look in his eyes when he wanted her and only her, when he craved her. When his eyes narrowed in on her his hands grazed along her clothes tugging at them slightly wishing they would just disappear. 

"-just enough to drive you wild but not let you come." Viserys went on and Regina shook her head. 

"Thats sounds punishing." Regina countered. "Torture my love." 

"And when you thought you had the torturous rhythm figured out—" Viserys went on and Regina laughed, he loved that laugh, he kissed along her neck. "-when you thought you found a way to come—I'd fuck you so hard, so deep, you wouldn't know who you were anymore."

"Goodness," Regina rasped, she loved when he was like this, this was when she didnt have to remind him that he was the king he knew he was in charge.

"I wouldn't stop until you lost control," Viserys assured her. "And screaming my name, your cunt squeezing my dick, begging for my cum." The sharp sting of his teeth against her ear contrasted deliciously with his soft tone. "And I'd give it to you. I'd fuck every drop so deep inside you, you'd never get rid of me."

"Viserys." she didn't recognize the whimpering plea that begged for more with just his name. It sounded so good and she needed it right now.

"Do you want it?"

Who was I? Who was this girl melting at his feet? She didn't know her, but in all of this new chaotic lust ravaging her, she knew one thing—she wanted to. She wanted to discover more about the girl who allowed her to be set her on fire.

"Yes. Please."

"Say it," he ordered. Turning her head enough to meet his heated gaze.

"I want all that." Regina assured kissing him. "Take me already, what are you waiting for, husband?"

His hands cupped her neck, then slid into her hair while his mouth covered hers. She tugged on his shirt until he removed it with one hand and gripped her head again, kissing her like he thought it was the last kiss they'd ever have. She moaned when he ripped the fabric of her sleeveless blouse, sending buttons onto the seats around them. Viserys palmed  her breasts with rough hands. It took him a few seconds to slide her skirt up her waist and destroy her delicate panties. Regina laughed out as it fluttered to the floor. 

 With their next shared, labored breath, he pushed inside of her. They kissed hard and fucked even harder. He maneuvered her beneath him, driving into her with unforgiving thrusts.

 "What happened to soft?" Regina teased between breathless breaths. 

"Next time." viserys panted back. 

Her moans slowly bleed into screams, but the pain only intensifies the pleasure. One of his hands dives into her hair, fisting her waves tightly and forcing her head back. His teeth clamp down on her neck a moment later, wringing another cry from her lips. Stars form in her vision, and she was so fucking close to exploding all over again.

"Viserys," she pleaded.

"Lift up," he ordered. She obeyed, straightening her spine and seeking balance on him once more.  "I want to do this all day." Viserys decided filling her again. "I want this, hours, lets never leave the bed again." Viserys decided. She nodded it was all she could do as he pounded into her. She clenched around him. "Forever and ever, you think you could handle that?" 

"I think I would miss Aegon eventually." Regina mused. 

"Good point, but I'm not letting you leave this bed." 

"I dont want to leave this bed." Regina assured. 

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