Chapter 6

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hey guyys and galss!!! so i kept my promise and i updated just for u guys who read my first book and followed Hannah to the sequel( and i guess if u ignored my warning... i updated for those of you, if any that skipped the first book) So actually im updating for every single one of my 15 readers... haha. I really would like to get up to 50 reads over the next few chapters. Please spread the word about book 1 and book 2. I will love u all to death. I feel like i owe this to mah friends... Anna's roomates in the story are named after my absolutly, nicest, awesomest, funnest, bestest friends ever. (Kameron is even writing her own story. U SHOULD ALL GO AND READ IT!!!! It's called: From the bottom to the top. Her username is mskamong ) Please keep reading, spread the word, and check out my bffl's book. I LOVE YOU IF U ACTUALLY READ THIS ENTIRE THING!!!!!





We finished up lunch and continued walking around Los Angeles until we came to the front of the mall. I looked over to Kavya. Her brown eyes sparkled, and she was Beaming as she stared up at the building in front of us. Kam and Em had wide smiles too. I looked over at kurt, and I giggled at what I saw. Kurts blue eyes, weren't sparkling... they were shining brightly. His smile was so wide, he looked like he had never seen a mall before. Kurt turned to stare back at me,

"What? I love to shop," I erupted in laughter, and eventually Em Kavya and Kam joined in too.

"I'm going in," Kurt announced as he strutted up to the door. I looked to the girls and we all smiled. We ran up to Kurt and linked arms. He grabbed the door and yanked it open. We walked in sync into the lobby of the mall. We made our way to the escalator through the dense crowd. The mall is always crowded, I mean a mall in LA... why wouldn't it be crowded. After all, we are only 10 minutes away from Hollywood... but it was exceptionally crowded today... I wonder why? We kept our arms linked, so we wouldn't lose anyone. We finally reached the store we were all headed for... Abercrombie and Fitch. The stores weren't very crowded, which was surprising considering the mayhem right downstairs. Kurt immediately walked up to a bright blue crew sweatshirt folded on the wooden display table. He picked it up and wandered to the back of the store. Em and Kam were already looking at skirts hanging on the rack. I don't even know what direction Kavya went in... I walked up to the clearance rack first. I sorted through the rack, pulling out a pair of distressed, cut-off jean shorts for only 15 dollars.bI also pulled out a graphic T-shirt. It was a pale pink with ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH written in white. it was only 5 dollars. I walked up to the register to find Kurt, Em, Kam, and Kavya already in line with mounds of clothes in their arms. They were all beaming as I walked up to them.

"Holy Shit guys! Do you even have enough money for all of that??" I asked skeptically.

"Don't worry, I get a discount" Kurt told all of us. I looked at him, puzzled as to why this is.

"My dad is the founder of Abercrombie and fitch." I looked at him, my mouth agape. Suddenly the woman at the counter said next and Kurt walked up.

"Oh hey Kurt!" She greeted him warmly.

"Hey KitKat!" He said back to her, "is there anyway you can give my friends a discount on these clothes?" He asked, making a pouty face.

"I'm really not supposed too.... but for you babe? I will. Afterall I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."

Kurt smiled widely at her.

Once we were all done paying, we thanked Katherine and left the store, but the smell never left my nose. We descended on the escalator, bracing ourselves for the crowd that seemed to have doubled in density. it was also much louder than before. The lobby was filled with screaming teenage girls, all pushing their way further forwards, towards a wooden table. Before I could see who was sitting there, the escalator brought me down the the same level as everyone else. I couldn't see over people's heads at who this signing was for, but I didn't really care, it was probably Justin Bieber or someone cocky like that. I have never cared for Justin Bieber. We continued to push theough the crowd of acreaming girls,and finally we reached the exit. We pushed open the door only to find a mile long line of girls waiting to enter the mall. Who could this possibly be? We all talked about the chaos back at the mall while we walked home. We were so enveloped in our conversation, we didn't even realize we were back at our apartment until I looked up and brought this to their attention. Kurt gave all of us hugs, and he walked away and got in his car and drove off. We walked up to the door, and I flashed my card in front of the censor, unlocking the door. We walked into the living room and Em Kam and Kavya collapsed on the couch. I continued to mine and Kam's room and placed my bags on the floor. I set my phone on the dresser, and sprawled out on the bed. I felt sleep overcoming me. Just as darkness was about to fully engulf me, I heard the train whistle coming from my phone. I groaned as I sat up from my squishy pillow. I plodded over to the dresser and picked up my phone. I had gotten a text from Dustin. It read...

Hey, Anna! Put something nice on... I'm taking you out to dinner. I will pick you up at 6:30.

Love, Dustin xx


P.S. Dustin is the guy from Starbucks.

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