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Emma's POV
*hi I'm Emma ! Im 21 years old and I'm studying to be a homicide detective in Seattle but if you know all my family lives in Chicago and I haven't seen them in so long ! So a few days ago I decided to go home and surprise them ! And my moms birthday is tomorrow so I figured it would be a perfect gift ! So today my flight leaves at 11:30 am from Seattle to Chicago !*
7:30 am
*I woke up to my alarm clock and I got a nice warm shower and then got changed into the outfit I'm wearing on the plane*

Emma's POV *hi I'm Emma ! Im 21 years old and I'm studying to be a homicide detective in Seattle but if you know all my family lives in Chicago and I haven't seen them in so long ! So a few days ago I decided to go home and surprise them ! And my ...

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*I put this outfit on and I curled my hair and I finished packing up some of my last minute things and headed out to my car at 9am and started the 10 min drive from my apartment to the airport and once I arrived I went through security ans checked in my bags and I headed up to the gate and I texted my fav uncle jay Halstead that I was at the airport since he was the one picking me up*
On text

Emma:hey ! I'm at my gate waiting to the board ! I can't wait to see u !!

Jay:hey ! Yeah I can't wait either ! I'll be there as soon as you land ! 💗

Emma:see you soon !!💗💗

Off text

*I was waiting for about 1 hour and then it was time to board I grabbed my carry on bag and I headed to my seat and I took a picture of my plane window to send to jay and a few friends and after the plane took off I put in my head phones and listened to music the entire flight !*
4 hours later
*after the long 4 hour flight I finally made it home to Chicago ! Thankfully it was august and it's not cold like it is in the winter time ! I sent jay a message saying that I landed and I headed off the plane and grabbed my luggage and I saw jay standing by the door waiting*
Emma:jay !! *runs and hugs him*
Jay:hey Emma ! Long time no see ! *hugs back*
Emma:it hasn't been that long ! I came home during Christmas
Jay:yeah that was 8 months ago
Emma:sorry but I can't not go to school
Jay:I understand ! Now let's get in the truck and get you to the fire house
Emma:yeah let's go !
*jay put my bag in the trunk and I got in the front seat of his truck*
Jay:so how's school going ?!
Emma:great actually ! I'm graduating very soon !
Jay:yeah ! When ?
Emma:at the end of august !
Jay:that's great Emma ! Congratulations
Emma:thanks !
Jay:do you know where you wanna work ?
Emma:I'm thinking about staying in Seattle for the first few years cause I already know everybody and stuff but eventually I do wanna move back home
Jay:well where ever you go they are very lucky to have you !
Emma:thanks jay !
Jay:no problem! Your going do be one hell of a detective !
*we talked more about school and how things were here in Chicago and we finally pulled up to the firehouse so I got out of the truck and I headed inside and just for my luck everyone was in the common room*
Emma:guess who's back !! *I say walking in through the doors*
Kelly:Emma !! Omg ! What are you doing here ? *hugs me*
Emma:I came back for moms birthday !
Stella:well I'm glad you did ! *hugs me*
Emma:I missed you both so much
Stella:we miss you do baby ! *kisses me*
Brett:omg is this your daughter Emma ?!
Stella:sure is !
Brett:hi I'm sylvie Brett ! I heard many things about you !
Emma:all good I hope ?!
Brett:oh yes ! *laughs*
Emma:it's nice to meet you !
Matt:do you have a hug for your uncle Matt ?
Emma:uh of course I do ! *hugs him*
Matt:I've missed you so much !
Emma:me to ! I missed you all so much!!
Gabby:we missed you do Emma !
Kelly:wait how did you bet here ?
Emma:oh uncle jay picked me up
Kelly:so he knew ?
Emma:yup ! *laughs*
*we talked for a while and then shift ended so I got my suitcases from out in the truck floor and I put it in dads car and we drove back to the house where my sister Ella would be*
Few mins later
*we finally pulled up in the driveway and I saw Ella's LED light strips on in her room so I knew she was up there so I quietly opened the door to the house and I crept up the stairs and I knocked on her bedroom door with mom and dad following behind me *
Ella:come in !
*I opened her door and when she saw me her mouth dropped and she ran and hugged me*
Ella:what are you doing here ?? You said you weren't coming home till Christmas ?!
Emma:I was until a few days ago when I decided to come home and suppress everyone for moms birthday
Ella:I'm so glad your here !! We have so much to catch up on
Emma:I know !! *laughs*
Stella:well why don't we catch up over dinner ?
Ella:what are we having ?
Kelly:pizza ! It's already on the counter !
Ella:yess ! I was worried you were going to say we were having casserole !
*we all laughed and headed downstairs and we all talked and laughed with each-other as a family again! We ended our night watching the little mermaid and I then headed up to my room and posted my surprise pics on Instagram*

———————————————————————————*I was waiting for about 1 hour and then it was time to board I grabbed my carry on bag and I headed to my seat and I took a picture of my plane window to send to jay and a few friends and after the plane took off I put ...

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Caption:today I had the honour to be able to fly home and surprise my mom,dad and sister in Chicago ! I want to say thanks to uncle @jay.Halstead for picking me up at the airport and driving to the firehouse ! I can tell I am going to have a great few days back home with family !💗 @ella.Elizabeth @Stella.severide @Kelly.severide

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