Christmas eve pt 2

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Kelly's POV
*once the party was over the head of the fire department headed up on stage *
HFD=head of fire department
HFD:hello everyone! Before we all head out I just wanna say a few words ! I wanna thank everyone for coming out to this event and it was so nice to meet all of your families and kids ! It was a great night ! I also wanna say a big thank you to the commissioners office for handing out the food and a big thanks to firehouse 67 for providing this amazing building !! I wanna wish you a merry Christmas and a spectacular new year ! I also wanna thank the skeleton crew for coming and working over Christmas so that people can go be home with there family's !! It's appreciated so so much !! Have a great night everyone!
*once he finished his speach we all said goodbye to everyone and we headed home and as soon as we got home the sunset was gorgeous and I knew it was Shay paining that tonight! So I took a picture and when I got inside posted it on Instagram*

Kelly's POV*once the party was over the head of the fire department headed up on stage *HFD=head of fire department HFD:hello everyone! Before we all head out I just wanna say a few words ! I wanna thank everyone for coming out to this event and i...

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@Kelly.severide:well this time of year is a very emotional time for me. My best friend of many years that I also got to call a roommate for as long as I could remember passed away in the line of duty several years ago ! And Christmas was her all time favourite Holiday ! She always went all out in the apartment and the firehouse to make it all Christmasy ! And that's something I'll never forget ! Leslie Elizabeth Shay ! You are still talked about in my house every single day ! I'm so lucky that you were able to meet one of my kids ! And as much I wish you were still here to meet my other daughter I know your looking down on us in heaven every day ! And today was a rough day but tonight I looked up in the sky and saw the prettiest sunset ever that I know you painted ! You may be gone Shay but your never forgotten
I love and miss you so much 🤍🕊️
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@Matt.Casey:she was the best of the best !! Hugs man !❤️
^she really was !^
@Joe.Cruz:her death was hard on us all ! I'm here if you ever need to talk man 🤍
^thanks Cruz! She really loved us all^
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*I let a few tears fall and then I was pulled into a big group hug with the people I love the most !*
Kelly:I love you all so much !
Stella:we love you so much ! *smiles*
*we hug for a bit and then we all go off to get changed cause we were all uncomfortable*
Ella's POV
*I headed up the stairs and went into my room and got changed into a pair of leggings and one of dads CFD hoodies and I tied my hair into a ponytail and then I closed and locked my door and headed into my closet and got out some gifts that I needed to wrap for my sister and parents I put on some Christmas music and I started wrapping all my gifts and once I was finished I brought them down and laid them under the tree and I sat down at ghe kitchen island while my mom was doing something*
Stella:wanna help ?
Ella:depends on what your doing ?
Stella:I'm setting up the table to make gingerbread houses later
Ella:ooh yeah I'll help
*I helped my mom set up the table and then I heard my dad leave to go out to the garage which meant the guys were here so now it was only me mom and Emma*
Stella:go out your matching pyjamas on I wanna take a picture of you guys in-front of the tree
*we go upstairs and we get changed and then go back down*
Stella:ok go stand in front of the tree please
Ella:is this good ? *stands there*
Stella:put a arm around each other or something
*we stand by the tree and mom takes at least 100 pictures and once she's done me and Emma make some TikTok's and mom posts something on Instagram again*
Stella's POV
*I decided to update my profile picture of Instagram of the kids so that's what I did*

 *I let a few tears fall and then I was pulled into a big group hug with the people I love the most !*Kelly:I love you all so much !Stella:we love you so much ! *smiles* *we hug for a bit and then we all go off to get changed cause we were all unc...

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Caption:Christmas Eve 2023 🎄❤️ @Emma.Elizabeth @Ella.severide @Kelly.severide
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@Kim.burgess:beautiful girls ! Merry Christmas ❤️
^merry Christmas to you guys as well !^
@Matt.Casey:Merry Christmas Severides !!🎄
^merry Christmas Matt !! Enjoy the time with your family ❤️^
@Sylvie.Brett:you have 2 gorgeous Girlies !! Merry Christmas !!💕
^merry Christmas Brett!!^
@Natalie.manning:I'm so glad that Emma got to be home for Christmas !! Happy holidays Severides !💗💗
^we are so thankful to have her home for another Christmas !! Happy holidays to your fam as well !^
@Will.Halstead:merry Christmas you guys !!
^merry Christmas 🎄^
@joe.Cruz:the girls are so grown up ! Merry Christmas you guys !!
^merry Christmas Cruz !^
@Christopher.Hermann:Christmas is so special with all the kids ! Merry Christmas From our home to yours !
^merry Christmas to your family as well !🎄^
@Janice.Mullins:merry Christmas!!! Kate is so excited to do the gift exchange with Ella Tomorrow !
^Ella is to !! Merry Christmas!^
@Allyson.baker:merry Christmas to your family ! Lots of love from our fam !🎄🎄
^merry Christmas !!🎄 I hope Santa is good for Brody,Jack and Sophia ❤️^
*we spent our evening watching a movie until Kelly came back in and we made our gingerbread houses until it was time to go to sleep !*

A/n - merry Christmas everyone!! Hope you all had a great holiday and for those who didn't celebrate I hope you had a great few days !

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