Emmas Birthday

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Stella's POV
*believe it or not but today is my oldest girlie Emma's 22nd birthday ! It's pretty crazy to think that my first child is now 22 years old !! But she is the most beautiful and kind person out there so I woke up at 8:30 am and made her a birthday post on insta*

Stella's POV*believe it or not but today is my oldest girlie Emma's 22nd birthday ! It's pretty crazy to think that my first child is now 22 years old !! But she is the most beautiful and kind person out there so I woke up at 8:30 am and made her ...

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Caption:22 years ago today I became a mom for the first time ever ! @Emma.Elizabeth you have grown up to be such a great influence on others and your always the first to help someone out and you always put others before yourself ! We couldn't be any prouder of the Beautiful women you have become and even tho we can't see you on your birthday this year we hope it's everything you have ever wanted ! ❤️ @Kelly.severide @Ella.severide
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@Gabby.Dawson:happy birthday Emma !! Sending the biggest birthday hug all the way to Seattle today !!
@Jay.Halstead:happy 22nd birthday Emma ! Hope it's a great one !
@Matt.Casey:how is she 22??!! Happy birthday Em ! Hope it's a awesome one !
@Natalie.manning:happy birthday Beautiful! We hope you have a super awesome day ! Lots of love from myself,will and Owen !💕
@April.sexton:happiest of birthdays wishes Emma !!
@Joe.Cruz:happy 22nd birthday Emma !! I hope you have a great day !
@Cindy.Hermann:oh my goodness 22!! Happy birthday sweetie ! I hope 22 treats you well ❤️
@Wallace.Bohden:happy birthday Emma ! Hope you have a great day ! It didn't take long for you to grow up !
@Adam.ruzek:Happy birthday Emma !!
@Will.Halstead:happy 22nd Emma !! I hope this is the best year yet !
@Emma.Elizabeth:thanks mom ! And everyone for the birthday wishes !!💗💗
^your welcome sweetie !! We will call you later ❤️❤️^

Elizabeth:thanks mom ! And everyone for the birthday wishes !!💗💗^your welcome sweetie !! We will call you later ❤️❤️^

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Caption:Today is the day @Emma.Elizabeth!! Today you turn 22 ! I hope you have the best day ever in Seattle with all of your friends and colleagues! Even tho I wish I could give you a big squeeze and celebrate with you in person ! I will give you a call later today to celebrate!! I love you so very much !!❤️❤️
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@Emma.Elizabeth:Thanks dad !! Love and miss you so so much !!❤️❤️
^hope you have a great day !^

Elizabeth:Thanks dad !! Love and miss you so so much !!❤️❤️^hope you have a great day !^

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Caption:happy 22nd birthday to the best big sister a girl could ask for ! @Emma.Elizabeth your always there for me whenever I need someone to talk to ! And your always the first person to ask me what's wrong when I don't seem ok ! I can't believe that your not home this year on your birthday ! But I will call you later to see how your celebrating ! I love you so so much sissy ! And I hope 22 treats you amazing cause you deserve it !💗💗
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@Emma.Elizabeth:awww thanks Sissy !! I love and miss you so so much 💕🥹

Ella's POV
*today is my sisters birthday but what she doesn't know is that me and my parents are flying up to Seattle to surprise her ! So me and my family woke up at 8:30 and made our birthday posts and now I am getting ready to head to the airport*

*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair into a high ponytail and I headed downstairs and saw my parents waiting with the suitcases*Stella:ready ?Ella:so ready !Kelly:let's roll !*we went out do the car and we drove to the airport and once we ar...

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*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair into a high ponytail and I headed downstairs and saw my parents waiting with the suitcases*
Stella:ready ?
Ella:so ready !
Kelly:let's roll !
*we went out do the car and we drove to the airport and once we arrived I got my suitcase and we wheeled it inside and went through check in and security and now we are waiting at the gate*
A few hours later
*after a long 4h and 40 min flight we finally landed in Seattle ! I am actually really excited to see my sister as I haven't seen her in a long time and I'm excited to get a tour around a new city and place that I have never been to before !!*
Kelly:do we have all our bags ?
Ella:I have mine
Stella:so do I !
Kelly:alright let's go get the rental car
*we went out and got the rental car and we drove to our hotel and we turned off our location on our phones so that Emma doesn't see we are here before we surprise her and the plan is that we got in touch with one of her best friends and she's going to get Emma all ready to go out for supper where we are going to be to surprise her ! So we had about 3 hours until we had to leave to drive to the restaurant so we took this time to get unpacked for the weekend and my dad took a nap and me and mom just enjoyed the views of Seattle !*
2 hours later
*its now time to get ready for supper so I took a quick shower and then got dressed*

*I put this outfit on and I shoved my hair into a high ponytail and I headed downstairs and saw my parents waiting with the suitcases*Stella:ready ?Ella:so ready !Kelly:let's roll !*we went out do the car and we drove to the airport and once we ar...

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*I put this outfit on and I curled my hair and did some makeup and then I put on a pair of air forces and I waited for my parents to be done so we can head out*
At the restaurant
*it's about 6:30 and my mom got a message from Emma's friend Leah that her and Emma are inside sitting down so that means that it is go time . We got out of the car and beaded inside the restaurant and we made eye contact with Leah and then headed over there and when Emma saw us her face was priceless*
Emma:MOM!! DAD!! What are you doing here ?? *smiles*
Ella:I'm here to !! *smiles*
Emma:Ella Bella ! *hugs her*
Stella:did you really think that we were going to miss our daughters 22nd birthday?
Emma:I mean yeah
Kelly:you thought wrong ! *laughs*
Stella's POV
*we sat down and ordered our food and took some pictures and enjoyed our night together and when we got back to the hotel I posted them on insta*

 We got out of the car and beaded inside the restaurant and we made eye contact with Leah and then headed over there and when Emma saw us her face was priceless*Emma:MOM!! DAD!! What are you doing here ?? *smiles*Ella:I'm here to !! *smiles*Emma:E...

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Caption:around 9:30 this morning myself , @Kelly.severide and @Ella.severide got on a plane to Seattle so we could surprise @Emma.Elizabeth for her birthday !!  I wanna thank @Leah.Michelle for helping us make our surprise possible and getting Emma out to the restaurant where we were going surprise her !! So as it being Emma's 22nd birthday you know I had to take some pics !! Happy birthday sweetheart I hope you had the best day !! ❤️❤️
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