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Ella's POV
*Its currently 7:30 pm and my friend Ava just sent me a text saying that her brother is throwing a party and she wants me to come so I hang out with her by the way Ava's brother josh is 17 years old but I obviously can't ask my parents to go or Matt cause they will never let me ! So I decided that I'm going to sneak out ! I've never snuck out before so this will be something new but I'm up for the challenge of trying to get out of the house without making noise*
Around 9:30 pm
Kelly:k I'm going to bed now and Matt is at Mollys and your mom is with Sylvie and Emily for a girls night at the cabin so are you ok with being up by yourself ?
Kelly:k love you and don't stay up to late ok ?
Ella:I won't dad I promise
*dad went to his room and shut the door so I now I just had to get ready and leave the house before Matt gets home cause I don't want him to see me*

*I put this dress on and I curled my hair and did some makeup and I grabbed my high heels and I carried them in my hand so I wouldn't make a noice but now is the hard part how am I getting out? I decided to leave my window open to come back in cau...

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*I put this dress on and I curled my hair and did some makeup and I grabbed my high heels and I carried them in my hand so I wouldn't make a noice but now is the hard part how am I getting out? I decided to leave my window open to come back in cause the main door will be locked but I can just leave through the main door so that's what I did!*
At the party
*once I arrived at Ava's house I went straight up to her room cause that's where she said she would be*
Ava:there you are !! What took you so long ??
Ella:I had to sneak out
Ava:the Ella severide is sneaking out ? That's something I never thought I would say !
Ella:well if I wanted to come I had to sneak out cause my parents or Matt were not going to let me
Ava:yeah well let's go party!
Ella:ok ! *smiles*
*we headed downstairs where everyone was and we had a couple drinks not gonna lie and we were stood up in the living room when all of a sudden I heard something I never thought I would hear*
?:CPD everyone stop what your doing !
Ella:shit !
Ava:don't tell me it's the 21st?
Ella:I'm not sure cause it would be patrol not the intelligence
Ava:well your screwed either way
Ella:don't remind me !
*instead of running like most people did we stood still to prevent us from getting in more trouble and then a officer came over*
?:names please
Ava:Ava Pike
?:k Ava go stand over there with officer Hopkins
*Ava goes over and it's now just me and the officer*
?:your name?
Ella:Ella Severide
?:severide ? Any relation to Kelly severide firehouse 51 ?
Ella:that's my dad
?:well Ella your going to have to come with me !
Ella:why ?
?:just following protocol
*I followed the officer out and she put me in the baby seat of her patrol car and she drove to her district which for my luck was the 21st *
Ella:seriously ! 21st?
?:yeah ! Got a problem with that ?
Ella:I'm going to be in such big trouble
?:you can say that again
*she took me by the arm and brought me inside and Trudy came over*
Trudy:Ella ?? What did you do ?
Ella:I was at a party
Trudy:well come with me and I'll call one of your parents
Ella:Trudy please ! Is there anyone else you can call
Trudy:*looks at her books* I can call jay down
Ella:ugh !
Trudy:which one Ella ? Jay or Kelly ?
Ella:I guess jay
Trudy:k follow me
*trudy brought me to a holding cell and I went inside until jay came down and saw me*
Jay:Ella ! Why are you here in a holding cell ?
Ella:I was a at party and it got busted
Jay:I thought you knew better than that Ella !
Ella:well I didn't think it was going to get busted
Jay:does your parents know your here ?
Ella:they think I'm home
Jay:so you snuck out ?
Ella:yeah *sighs*
Jay:well come on I'll take you home !
Ella:please jay ! Don't tell them about this !
Jay:Ella sweetheart I can't do that !
Ella:please !!
Jay:I can't Ella ! That's the law
Ella:fine !
*I followed jay out of the cell and he brought me to his truck and we drove to my house and when we arrived Matt was just getting home*
Matt:Ella ? Jay ?
Jay:hey !
Matt:what's going on ?
Jay:she'll explain in a minute
*we headed inside and matt went and woke up Kelly and him and matt were very confused*
Kelly:jay wanna explain why my daughter is not asleep ?
Jay:I think she should explain
Kelly:well Ella ! Why are you not in bed !
Ella:I snuck out to go to a party !
Kelly:are you serious Ella ! Why didn't you just ask me
Ella:I'm not finished
Kelly:well continue !
Ella:the part got busted and I got brought into a holding cell
Kelly:for fuck sakes Ella ! Seriously !
Ella:I'm sorry
Kelly:just go to your room Now !
*I went to my room and sat on my bed*
Kelly's POV
Kelly:so does she have a record now ?
Jay:small one but it won't stop her from getting good jobs
Kelly:what's the charge ?
Jay:well underaged drinking and there was drugs at the party
Kelly:so she drank ! And did drugs ?
Jay:she only drank ! Never did drugs but she was still at the party where it was being used so we can only assume
Matt:don't you have tests to see if she had drugs ?
Jay:yeah and we did it but underaged drinking& drugs go together
Matt:ah ok
Kelly:does she have to do jail time ? Go to court ??
Jay:no not at all ! Unless she gets caught one more time than there will be a more serious charge that can lead to jail time
Kelly:well thanks jay ! For bringing her home
Jay:any time!
*jay left and it was only me and Matt out in the living room so I texted Ella ans told her I was going to bed again for her to do the same and that we will talk in the morning and Matt also went to bed*

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