Game day

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Ella's POV
*today is a Friday !! Which means 2 things the weekend and it's game day ! I'm on my high-school cheer team so on Fridays we go and cheer on our football team ! And I love every minute of it ! It's currently 4:30 and my friends Chloe and Leah are coming over to get ready before we go out to meet the team at the pizza place in our town for some pre game Pizza !! So I head downstairs and I wait until the door bell rings and when I open it it's Chloe and Leah*
Chloe:hey Ella !
Leah:I brought the stamps !
Ella:yes !!! I ran out of my stamps last Friday
Chloe:shall we go get ready
Ella:yeah let's go to my room
Stella's POV
*as I'm coming down the stairs Ella and her friends are going up to get ready*
Stella:hello girls !
Chloe:hey Stella ! *smiles*
Leah:hi Stella ! *smiles*
*and after that I hear the bedroom door close and the music starts to blast*
Ella's POV
*we play some Taylor Swift cause why not ! And then we get changed into our uniforms before doing hair and makeup and we just had so much getting ready !*
An hour later
*its now 5:30 and we are all done getting ready so we head downstairs and my mom drops us off at the pizza place and we meet us with the rest of the team and we eat our pizza and just talk and have so much fun ! And before we know it it's time to head to the school ! And that's when my mom pulls up and me,Chloe and Leah get in the car*
Stella:how was your supper ?
Ella:so good !
Stella:did you girls have fun ?
Chloe:so much fun !
Leah:honestly the most fun I had in a while
Stella:that makes me so happy to hear !
*my mom drives up into the school parking lot and we get out of the car before my mom drives Back home cause the game doesn't start till 7 but we need to warm up and practice first*
Chloe:what dressing room are we in ?
Leah:I thought coach said we were in room 5
Ella:we can go check it out
*we walked into the school and went into the gym and found locker room 5 and we saw the other cheer girls in there so we knew we found the right one*
Coach:you girls look relived *smiles*
Chloe:we weren't sure if we were in this room or not
Coach:ah I see ! *smiles*
Ella:wouldn't want to walk in on a bunch of football players
Kate:I don't blame you there ! *smiles*
Coach:well girls get ready and I'll see you out on the field in 20 ?
Everyone:sounds good coach
Coach:I will see you out there !
*coach Vanessa leaves and now it's us cheer girls in the room*
Kate:so who are we playing against anyways ?
Leah:don't they have the really good cheerleaders
Ella:yeah! There the ones that do those really big stunts right ?
Mia:yeah they are
Kate:well ladies look like we have some competition to
Chloe:let's not get hurt while doing it tho !
Mia:I agree ! We can't afford that to happen
*we all put our cheer shoes on and we head out to the field and we watch as the other team warms up there stunts while making our way over to coach*
Coach:why are we watching the other cheerleaders like a hawk?
Mia:cause we got some competition
Coach:there is no competition for us ! They are just here doing the same thing as we are doing ! Cheering on there football team
Kate:but they are going to out cheer us
Coach:girls ! This isn't a cheer competition! It's a football game ! We aren't getting ranked on who is a better cheer team ! We are here to cheer on our football team and have fun ! That's all
Chloe:yeah coach is right !
Coach:now go get warmed up !
*we all warm up and then go over our cheers and stunts and before we knew it it was time to exit the field so that the players could have there grand entry cause it's game time baby !*
After the game
*the game ended up going really well ! We all cheered so good and landed all our tumbling passes and hit our stunts ! And our football team won which was the icing on the cake ! And we had so so much fun !! After the game ended me and my team headed back to the locker room to get changed before heading back out to the field where my parents came on to the field and me and my good friend Connor took a picture together! Connor is my Parents good friends son and his mom and my mom grew up together! So we always take a picture together for memories !*
A few mins later
*after we took some pictures with the cheer team and Connor it was time to head home so we got in t he car and drove home and when we arrived I headed upstairs to my room and took a nice shower before hopping into bed cause it was 8:30 and I opened insta and saw that my mom posted something!*

Ella's POV*today is a Friday !! Which means 2 things the weekend and it's game day ! I'm on my high-school cheer team so on Fridays we go and cheer on our football team ! And I love every minute of it ! It's currently 4:30 and my friends Chloe and...

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Caption:I'm so proud of @Ella.severide for spreading her wings this year as she successfully tried out for the High-school cheerleading team at the beginning of the year ! She now spends her Tuesday and Thursday evenings practicing with these amazing girls and her amazing coach! And she also spends her Friday nights cheering on her HS football team and her good friend since birth @Connor.Bryant ! I couldn't be any happier for Ella as she is making These amazing memories and friendships that will last a lifetime ! Let's Go Knights !!💙📣🏈
@Kelly.severide @Emma.Elizabeth
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@Gabby.Dawson:congratulations Ella !! I'm so happy you found a sport that you actually enjoy 🤣 let's go Knights !!!
^right!! I guess the 10th sports the charm ^
@Melanie.Bryant:I'm so so proud of Ella for spreading her wings and trying out for the cheer team ! Connor wouldn't want anyone else to cheer him on❤️
^Ella really enjoys cheerleading ! And me and Kelly enjoy watching Connor play football ! He's one hell of a player 🥰^
@Hailey.Upton:I will have to come out and watch her one Friday !! I always enjoyed cheerleading in high school ! I'm so glad she enjoys it !!^
^so far she is really enjoying it ! She's even considering joining a competitive stream next year !💕^
@Kim.burgess:oh my goodness!! Cheerleading was my all time favourite in high school !! You make so many new friends and the memories will last forever !! Let's go knights !!💙💙
^she is really enjoying Cheer!! And the girls on her team are the most supportive loving girls ever ! And her coach is amazing !!^
@Jay.Halstead:Let's go Knights ! I'll have to come watch sometime !
^she would love that !!^
@Matt.Casey:this is so awesome !! Congratulations Ella on making the team ! You seem to be doing great !
^shes doing amazing ! She's currently a base and is line to be a flyer for next year ! She's so excited!!^
@Natalie.manning:oh I love this !! Congrats Ella on making the cheer team !! I'm sure you will be a great flyer next year !🥰
^one of the flyers are graduating this year and Ella is next in line to be a Flyer ! She has some big shoes to fill but she is so so excited^

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