Some news

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Emma's POV
*I woke up at 7:30 am to my phone ringing like crazy so I picked up the phone and saw it was a number from my instructor in Seattle so I picked up*
On the call
Emma:hello ?
SB =Sargent brown
Sb:hey Emma , sorry to bother you so early in the morning
Emma:it's no problem sarge ! What can I help you with ?
Sb:I got a letter from district 89 here In Seattle and they have a spot open on there homicide team and they were wondering if you would like it ?
Emma:Omg ! That sounds amazing !
Sb:are you in ?
Emma:yeah of course I am ! When do I start ?
Sb:that's the thing ! You start tomorrow morning
Emma:what?! I'm not even in Seattle how am I supposed to get a flight for today!
Sb:there's one available at 12:30 , and I know your visiting your family and stuff but if you want this position you need to get your ass here today !
Emma:yeah ok ! I'll start packing now
Sb:I'll send you your tickets !
Emma:yeah thanks !
*i hung up the phone and started packing all my clothes when my dad walked in*
Kelly:why are you packing already ? You don't leave till another 2 weeks ?
Emma:about that I leave today
Kelly:what ?? Why didn't you tell us ?
Emma:I just found out
Kelly:I'm confused
Emma:I got a place in district 89 on there homicide team in Seattle !
Kelly:omg Emma ! That's amazing !
Emma:but I start tomorrow and I have to leave here today !
Kelly:couldn't you extend your start period ?
Emma:unfortunately no ! If I want the position I have to be in Seattle tomorrow!
Kelly:well what time is your flight ?
Kelly:k well I'll wake up Stella and Ella to let them know
Emma:thanks !
*dad went to wake up my mom and sister and I fished packing and soon enough everyone was in my room*
Stella:Emma !! I'm so proud of you !
Emma:thanks mom ! *smiles*
Ella:why Couldn't you get a job here ! In Chicago ?
Emma:cause I'm registered in Seattle ! But maybe some day I'll come back here
Kelly:I think that's a great idea !
*we all headed downstairs and ate breakfast do the last time together and just talked about all the fun things we did over this short visit and then it was time to say goodbye , we took some pictures and then me and my dad were off to the airport leaving Ella and mom at home crying because I was leaving again ! But then I got a notification from Instagram saying that mom tagged me in a post*

Emma's POV *I woke up at 7:30 am to my phone ringing like crazy so I picked up the phone and saw it was a number from my instructor in Seattle so I picked up*On the call Emma:hello ?SB =Sargent brown Sb:hey Emma , sorry to bother you so early in t...

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Caption:well even tho the visit we have been waiting for unfortunately had to be cut short 🥲 We are just super excited for the next chapter your entering ! My oldest baby girl the one who made me a mama ! Got her first position as a Homicide detective in Seattle and we could not be any prouder of you ! ❤️ this morning was a roller coaster of emotions with the realization that our girly is headed back to Seattle and that she is no longer staying in our home 🥹 but always Remember that we are only a plane ride away and we will always be your #1 supporters in life ! We love you so much @Emma.Elizabeth and we are so incredibly proud of the beautiful young woman you have become ! Have lots of fun, be safe and show Seattle what your made of 😘
Liked by 100 people
@Jay.Halstead:congratulations Emma !! Have lots of fun in Seattle !
@Gabby.Dawson:Omg ! Congratulations Emma !! Have a wonderful time !! Where does the time go mama!!
^right ! Seems like yesterday she was born!^
@Matt.Casey:Omg !! That's amazing !! When did she find out ??
^this morning ! It really was roller coaster of emotions here this morning ! 🥹^
@Adam.ruzek:holy shit ! Congratulations Emma ! That's awesome! ❤️
@Kim.burgess:congratulations Emma !! I'm so incredibly proud of you ! All your hard work paid off !! Have fun sweetie 💕
^all the hard work and Late nights certainly wasn't for nothing ! ^
@Hank.voight:congratulations Emma ! That's such amazing news ! Your going to make one hell of a cop !
^she sure is !^
@Natalie.manning:holy moly ! Emma look at you go !! Congratulations sweetie ! ❤️
@Will.Halstead:congratulations Emma ! That's amazing news !!
@Kevin.Atwater:congratulations Emma !! That's a great accomplishment to achieve at such a young age !!
^couldn't be any prouder of her !^
@Hailey.Upton:omg ! Congratulations Emma ! Your going to do great things in Seattle ! Can't wait to hear all about it !
^looking forward to her FaceTime call tomorrow evening !!^
@Joe.Cruz:congratulations Emma !! So proud of you !
@Christopher.Hermann:congratulations Emma !! Go show Seattle what severides are made of !!
@Cindy.Hermann:congrats sweetie ! So proud of you !! Xx
@Kelly:severide:congrats sweetie !! I could not be any more prouder to me your dad ! ❤️
^your one of the best ! And having such great girls make us look even better !^
@Sylvie.Brett:congratulations Emma !! That's such great news !! 💗
@Connor.Rhodes:congratulations Emma !!! Your going to be great at anything you put your mind to !
^shes a great one she is !^
@Wallace.Boden:congratulations Emma !! I'm so proud of you !! Your going to do amazing things !!
@Sharon.Goodwin:congratulations Emma sweetie !! That's such amazing news !! 💕
^it sure is ! Made our day !!^ Emma !! Your going to do such great things in Seattle ! They don't know what's coming!
^got that right! Haha^
@trudy.platt:well seeing this post just made my day !! Congratulations Emma I'm so incredibly proud of you !! ❤️
^we are all so proud of her !!^

*once I got to the airport I said goodbye to my dad and headed inside and soon enough I was on a plane on my way back to Seattle to start a new chapter in life that I am so incredibly excited for !! *

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