Christmas eve

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Ella's POV
*well today is Christmas Eve!! And in our house it's a pretty big deal my sister Emma got home yesterday so the Christmas season can officially begin ! Today we had a Christmas party at the firehouse and then we had our Christmas Eve festivities here at the house so I woke up at 9:30 am and got dressed*

*I put this outfit on and I just shoved my hair into a bun before heading downstairs*Kelly:there she is the sleeping beauty herself Ella:good morning to you to ! *I say sarcastically*Stella:want something for breakfast?Ella:a omelet sounds pretty ...

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*I put this outfit on and I just shoved my hair into a bun before heading downstairs*
Kelly:there she is the sleeping beauty herself
Ella:good morning to you to ! *I say sarcastically*
Stella:want something for breakfast?
Ella:a omelet sounds pretty good right now
Stella:everything in it ?
Ella:yes please !
Stella:coming right up !
Emma:so what's the plan for today ?
Kelly:we have the firehouse Christmas party at 3
Emma:where is that ?
Kelly:the town hall
Emma:oh is that it ?
Kelly:well around 7 jay and a few of the guys are coming round for some drinks but that's about it
Emma:good ! I love relaxing days
Stella:here Ella !
*I get up off the couch and head into the kitchen and I eat my Omelet I head back over to the living room and I catch dad staring at a ornament*
Ella:what's up ? *I say while sitting next to him*
Kelly:just thinking about Shay that's all
Ella:you know she is looking down on you from heaven right !
Kelly:I know it's just that the holidays make it so much harder and Christmas was her favourite
Ella:from the pictures that you showed me of your apartment during Christmas I can only imagine
Kelly:I just wish you had the opportunity to meet her !
Ella:yeah *I say while lying down on dads shoulder and I see a few tears fall onto his shirt*
*dad still find it hard after loosing Shay even tho I never met her my sister did and my mom believes that Shay was the one that sent me cause my mom found out she was pregnant on her birthday but Christmas time is really hard on my dad as it was her favourite holiday we decided to have a pretty chill morning we watched a Christmas movie but I don't know the name of it as it was a hallmark one and then me and Emma decided to bake some Christmas cookies and as we were doing it I saw mom taking a picture of us and about 10 mins later I got a notification from Instagram saying that mom tagged me in a post so I opened it up to see*

*I put this outfit on and I just shoved my hair into a bun before heading downstairs*Kelly:there she is the sleeping beauty herself Ella:good morning to you to ! *I say sarcastically*Stella:want something for breakfast?Ella:a omelet sounds pretty ...

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Caption:it's Christmas baking time in our house ! 🎄🍪 I have to admit @Ella.severide and @Emma.Elizabeth are the best cookie makers 😊
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@Matt.Casey:I'll volunteer to be the cookie tester when they are done !!
^im sure you and Kelly would be great cookie testers!^
@Jay.Halstead:hope there is some left for when I come over !
^i'll put some aside for you 😊^
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*I laughed at her post and showed Emma*
Emma:I'm glad someone appreciates our baking skills
Stella:I'm serious you guys are the best bakers in our home
Ella:yeah !
*once 2 pm came around we all got ready for the fancy Christmas Eve dinner party with the firehouse and there family's but this year there are people coming from all of the firehouses in Chicago so we have to dress up extra fancy I got in the shower and then got changed*

 *I laughed at her post and showed Emma*Emma:I'm glad someone appreciates our baking skills Stella:I'm serious you guys are the best bakers in our home Ella:yeah !2pm*once 2 pm came around we all got ready for the fancy Christmas Eve dinner party ...

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*i put this outfit on with a pair of black boots and I curled my hair and did some makeup and I put on all my Jewelry and perfume and then headed downstairs and saw everyone wearing this*

*i put this outfit on with a pair of black boots and I curled my hair and did some makeup and I put on all my Jewelry and perfume and then headed downstairs and saw everyone wearing this*

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*my sister had this outfit on and her hair was straightened and she had black boots on as well*

*my mom had this outfit on with black boots and her hair was straightened as well and my dad had a black suit on with a red tie and black shoes and we were finally all ready and I forgot to mention but Matt has moved out into his own apartment * S...

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*my mom had this outfit on with black boots and her hair was straightened as well and my dad had a black suit on with a red tie and black shoes and we were finally all ready and I forgot to mention but Matt has moved out into his own apartment *
Stella:are we ready to head out ?
Emma:I think so
Stella:k let's go
*we got in the car mom and dad in the front and me and Emma in the back and after a 20 min drive we finally made it*
Stella:alright we are here !
Kelly:be nice to everyone and say hello if someone says it to you
Ella:we know dad !
Kelly:just making sure
*we got out of the car and headed in as a family*
?:name sir
Kelly:lieutenant Kelly severide of firehouse 51
?:and is this your wife Stella ? And kids Emma and Ella ?
Kelly:yes sir
?:alright go ahead
Kelly:thank you
*we followed dad inside and we found the table with firehouse 51 written on it so we took a seat and everyone else started coming on in*
Matt:hey guys !
Ella:hey uncle Matt *smiles*
Emma:hey !
Matt:when did you get home em ?
Matt:when do you go back ?
Emma:after new years Jan 2nd
Matt:oh you gotta a good week home
Emma:yeah ! *smiles*
Brett:hey guys ! *smiles and sits down*
*evreyone else came and sat down and the only people we were waiting on was Cheif*
Cheif:I'm here I'm here
Cruz:hey Cheif !
Matt:where's Donna ? And your son ?
Cheif:he's sick so Donna is taking care of him
Matt:ahh pour thing
*the party started and there was people from the commissioners office handing out our meals and people were on stage singing and we had a great time talking and hanging out with everyone! It was a great way to celebrate Christmas Eve ! Now just one more to go !*

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